How To Encourage A Love Of Books In Children?

We must take into account that the love of books must be a legacy, that’s why we must set an example to our children so that they also learn to love reading

The love of books is a habit that  should be cultivated since children are young. So today we’ll discover some ways to encourage a love of books, even before they can speak.

Reading stimulates imagination,  creativity and allows us to acquire vocabulary, while we are able to improve our way of writing.

Encouraging a love of books is achieved by setting an example

Mother encouraging her daughter's love of books

We may not want to encourage a love of books for our children if we are not in the habit of reading ourselves. Remember that the  children imitate everything adults do.

If we find it hard to read, we can start by doing as in many movies: reading them a story before bed or at any other time of day.

This will bring us both children and books, familiarizing us with them and discovering something a lot of fun.

For this to have the repercussions we want in the children of the house, it is essential to start as soon as possible to encourage the love of books.

There are books suitable for children, which contain many illustrations and even dynamics that allow you to interact and become more familiar with them.

However, remember that we have to try to read ourselves, even if it’s a little longer than usual.

If our children never see us with a book in hand, how do we intend for them to do the same?

let the kids choose

Child encouraging his love for books

Parents, in certain cases, want to have the voice of command as if only they can choose, know and determine what is best for their children.

However, why don’t we ask them what they want?  Which book would you like to read this time? Which title is more attractive?

We have to take into account their choice, because what we want is that children are interested in reading and that having a book in their hands is not “strange”.

If the children’s choice doesn’t convince us, we can make a deal. We will choose a book one day, but the next it will be the child who chooses.

In this way, children will find themselves more motivated, as we cannot forget that reading should be something pleasurable.

If children do not read what they would really like, they will find reading an imposition, which is why, as much as they can, they will not try to hold a book in their hands.

We don’t want to make the reading negative for them, on the contrary. How about starting to consider your wishes and requests?

The importance of creating a habit

father encouraging love of books

Creating habits is especially important when encouraging a love of books in children. But, also to use this in other life changes.

We can read with children before bed, after eating or at another time of day. The important thing is that this becomes daily.

In this way, we will be able to encourage the love of books in an effective and fast way and we will get children to learn the importance of creating habits.

Habits are nothing more than a way to organize yourself, to structure each day and for all of this to bring us long-term results.

Since we know that the sooner the better, how about we start soon?

Encouraging a love of books is one of the great lessons we can teach children.

We often make  excuses for not reading ourselves,  stating that we don’t have time when, in fact, we consider reading a waste of time.

When there are small children in the house, we can recover one of the most beneficial habits that we so easily let go of.

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