I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything; What Can I Do?

There are times when we are very stressed or tired and we don’t want to do anything. However, what happens when this feeling persists over time? We will explain everything below.
I do not feel like doing anything;  what can I do?

“I do not feel like doing anything; what can I do?” Perhaps you’ve questioned yourself this way on more than one occasion. Therefore, we decided to reflect on this specific subject.

At first, not wanting to do anything can be normal and probably related to tiredness, as problems such as fatigue are usually defined as a general lack of energy and motivation.

That is, maybe you’ve been too busy, living under stress, and then there comes a day when you don’t want to do anything. At that point, you reflect and  realize that you don’t want to organize your house, take care of your garden,  or maybe you don’t even want to go to work.

In these situations, it is worth examining the context, as research such as the one published in 2018 in the Revista de Neuropsychiatría suggests that  being subjected to strong stress can be the trigger for fatigue  and the prelude to other illnesses.

If that’s the case for you  , you might just need to get some rest, disconnect from everything for a moment, and recharge your batteries. Next, we’ll detail what you can do.

I don’t feel like doing anything: what’s going on?

What happens in those cases where it’s not just fatigue, but a feeling that seems to get worse over time?  If this is the case, then it’s time to pay attention.

States of apathy that take a long time to overcome and in which a person  just wants to stay in bed, isolated from the world,  can be indicative of something more serious.

If, in addition to not wanting to do anything, you feel like crying or feel anguish, lack of appetite, guilt, sadness, among others, the  best thing to do is to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist about your mental state.

Symptoms of a possible apathy

According to a group of Japanese researchers, apathy is mainly characterized by a  lack of motivation that cannot be attributed to emotional distress, intellectual disability or decreased consciousness.

I do not feel like doing anything
If you don’t feel like doing anything, you may have apathy or need to discuss your problems with a professional.

Other symptoms of apathy can be:

  • Have a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Disinterest in interacting with other people.
  • Willingness to remain socially isolated.
  • Invest less time in the projects themselves.
  • Abandon goals.
  • Feeling that life passes without purpose.
  • Living with disillusionment.
  • Just wanting to sleep or not wanting to do anything.

These symptoms may be part of a problem that goes beyond apathy; therefore, it is advisable to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist in these cases.

What can I do if I don’t feel like doing anything?

There are a few things you can do if you don’t feel motivated to do anything:

  • Try to motivate yourself. Motivation may not show right away, but if you set some small tasks, you might feel better. Imagine how great you would feel if you went to a movie with friends or if you went for a walk in the park.
  • Break the cycle of negativity. This may be another reason you don’t feel like doing anything: because you’re unconsciously swimming in a sea of ​​negativity. Try to break this cycle, change your routines and set a goal that fills your life with enthusiasm.
  • Get some exercise. It may seem illogical, but as soon as you start exercising your body, you will feel a sense of well-being and your mood will change.
  • Dedicate yourself to what you like. Maybe your tasks are tedious and that’s your problem. However, if you pick up your passion for photography, painting, learning a language or starting a course, it can help you get your life back on track.
travel with friends
Taking a trip or breaking the routine in some way can help you regain your energy and desire to carry out your daily tasks.

Other options can be:

  • Take a little trip. That way you can disconnect from everyday life and routine. A few days with a relaxed mind can be the solution.
  • Challenge yourself. Set out to meet new people, participate in more cultural events or live an experience you’ve never had before.
  • Set a date on the calendar. In this way, you will have a commitment to achieving your new goal.
  • Avoid isolating yourself. So that toxic thoughts and pessimism don’t overwhelm you, spend quality time with the people you love and who are close by.
  • Happiness depends on you. Remember that your happiness does not depend on other people, but on yourself. All the resources to feel happy are in you.

Remember to seek help if you need it.

If you’ve tried everything on your own and feel that you still can’t get out of that state of disinterest or apathy, it  ‘s important and necessary to seek professional help.

If you feel that you don’t have the strength to do your homework, go to work or dedicate yourself to studies, then consult a psychologist.

Don’t wait for the feeling to just go away  or allow it to take hold of you. Perhaps you are suffering from abulia as the main symptom of major depression, or your state is one of inability to feel joy or pleasure in things, ie an anhedonia.

Do not worry; whatever your situation, if you’ve tried everything and are still thinking ‘I don’t feel like doing anything’,  seek therapeutic support to improve your mental state.

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