9 Face Signs About Health

When we look in the mirror, we can easily see how tired we are after an intense journey, the consequences of a flu-like illness and much more.
9 face signs about health

Pay attention to facial signs

Facial signs are not always identified the first time. It often takes us some time to realize that something is not as usual or as it should.

For example, people who generally don’t have dark circles are more likely to notice that something is not right with their health when they get dark circles. While a dejected person may take a little longer to realize that maybe they should pay more attention to their health.

According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, it is enough to look at the condition of the skin on the face to draw many conclusions about the lifestyle: what one eats and drinks, whether he plays sports or not, whether he smokes, etc.

Next, we’ll introduce you to the facial signs you should consider if they appear persistently.

1. Very marked dark circles

dark circles on the face

Dark circles usually indicate that there is a respiratory problem, therefore, people with asthma tend to have dark circles that are more marked than normal. However, this sign can also indicate low iron content or poor resting habits.

2. Dryness

Dry skin is one of the most obvious signs of the face and has a very varied origin. It may be due to inadequate care, inappropriate beauty routine, vitamin A (or other nutrients) deficit, hormonal changes, among others.

If, in addition to dryness, there is constipation, hair loss, obesity, extreme fatigue and an irregular menstrual cycle, it could mean that there is a problem with the thyroid.

3. Redness

Reddening of the skin is another of the facial signs that needs attention when it is prolonged in time. Among the possible causes for its appearance are excessive intake of coffee or spicy foods, vitamin D deficiency, allergies or other skin problems.

4. Acne

Acne is one of the hardest facial signs to define when it comes to health. It can indicate anything from a skin problem to a poor diet.

5. Jaundice

When the skin turns yellow, it is obviously one of the signs on the face that there is a liver problem, especially hepatitis or cirrhosis.

6. Pallor

If your face turns very white even when you’ve eaten well and you don’t feel sick, it may be due to a lack of iron or there is a deficiency in the production of hemoglobin in your blood.

7. Inflammation

Inflammation is another of the most obvious facial signs. Two causes can be very varied: from a blow to fluid retention or excessive alcohol consumption.

8. Wrinkles

Wrinkles are the most obvious and unpleasant facial signs around. And while skin aging can be due to overexposure to the sun or even smoking, it can also appear prematurely as a result of a health problem.

Depending on the area where they appear, they are considered to indicate one condition or another. In short:

  • Prominent temporal vein (neck) – distress, anger or high blood pressure.
  • Horizontal: many worries, but also excessive consumption of fat, sugars and liquids.
  • Right eyebrow vertical: weakened liver.
  • Vertical on the left side of the eyebrow: weakened spleen.
  • Horizontal near nose: Prone to allergies, intestinal or digestive problems.
  • Chicken feet: visual problems or weak liver.
  • Bags under the eyes: fluid retention or kidney problems.

9. Weight loss caused by malnutrition

One of the strongest facial signs is extreme thinness. Therefore, if the face is looking very emaciated, it is clear that you need to see a doctor immediately.

Should we see the doctor?

While it’s good to pay attention to facial signs, we shouldn’t get to the point of worrying about any perceived changes. Remember that many changes are temporary, such as dark circles after a sleepless night.

If you notice something that causes concern, it is best to consult a doctor. A general analysis will be of great help in finding out what is going on.

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