Top 11 Herbs And Spices To Repel Mosquitoes

In addition to repelling mosquitoes, many of these plants can be useful to add a touch of color to our home and, at the same time, give it a delicious aroma.

Mosquitoes are small insects that feed on blood. They are  very dangerous because they can transmit serious diseases such  as malaria, dengue or yellow fever, among others.

Its bites are very uncomfortable. They cause, in fact,  a typical itching and allergic reactions  that can take several hours or days to disappear.

In general, they reproduce in stagnant waters and unhealthy surroundings that may be close to our homes.

Therefore, it is important to reinforce hygiene measures and try to keep some repellent on hand to keep us away from them.

There are many options on the market to get rid of mosquitoes, however, they are not very recommended because they contain chemicals that affect the environment and health.

The good news is that there are several natural solutions that give us similar effects  with an extra scent and cleansing. Would you like to meet them? So, check it out below!

1. Garlic as a mosquito repellent

The strong aroma that sulfur compounds provide to garlic is  a great solution to keep mosquitoes away from home.

How to use?

  • Crush a raw garlic and place it near the entry points of these insects.

2. Cinnamon

The aroma of this spice is delicious but, it seems, mosquitoes hate it.

How to use?

  • Dilute some powdered cinnamon in hot water and place in a container near the living room or bedrooms.

3. Basil

By placing this plant in the entrance of your house, you can prevent various insects from entering, as its aroma  is too uncomfortable for them. So it’s a good way to keep them at bay.

How to use?

  • Place a small bunch of basil on the driveway or in specific places inside.
  • You can also use dried leaves to repel them in bedrooms.

4. Thyme

Thyme seeds are useful against these pesky bugs that invade our home and garden.

How to use?

  • Burn some thyme seeds and let the fumes dissipate through your home.

5. Mint to repel mosquitoes

Mint to repel mosquitoes

The refreshing aroma of mint is not to the liking of small insects, so it will protect our skin and prevent the invasion of mosquitoes.

How to use?

  • Make sure you have the plant in your garden and keep another one in the kitchen.
  • Use your sheets for small spaces like bedrooms.

6. Clove

The smoke that cloves give off when we burn them is one of the best natural mosquito repellents.

Then see how to use

  • Place some cloves in a small dish and burn them to give off their strong aroma.
  • Then join several nails with a string and place it on the main door.

7. Rosemary

Both the plant and the essential oil of this bush are a great medicine for us. Its properties not only improve health but can also be used for various purposes at home.

How to use?

  • To protect the skin from mosquitoes,  apply a little rosemary essential oil to exposed areas.
  • Also, to keep them away from the house, burn some dry leaves or prepare a concentrated infusion.

8. Citronella

The characteristic of this herb is to have a lemon aroma. This smell is very good for all of us, however, unpleasant for insects. As such, it’s a great method to scare them away.

How to use?

  • Place some herb branches in the corners of the rooms.
  • It is also possible to prepare an infusion with its leaves and let the vapors dissipate throughout all areas of the house.

9. Black pepper

The pepper has a spicy and strong fragrance, so it  will keep away the annoying mosquitoes that enter your room.

How to use?

  • Toast some black peppercorns and place them in various places in the room.

10. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus leaves give off such a strong aroma that they  immediately repel mosquitoes and annoying insects.

How to use?

  • Burn several eucalyptus leaves and let the smoke dissipate into the room.
  • If you prefer, boil several leaves in a pan of water and use the vapors as a repellent.

11. Blonde

The soft aroma of laurel does not bother us, but for insects and mosquitoes it is very uncomfortable. If you want to use it as a repellent, try this trick:

How to use?

  • Grind several bay leaves and sprinkle in the areas most frequented by insects.

You’ve found several homemade alternatives to repellents here, so  don’t hesitate to  use them every time insects try to colonize your home.

Did the tips help you? So, keep reading our upcoming articles with more suggestions for your home and well-being.

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