Natural Remedies To Deal With Hair Loss

If you suffer from hair loss, you know how uncomfortable and unpleasant this condition is. Know some ways to treat it naturally.
Natural Remedies to Deal with Hair Loss

Dealing with hair loss can be extremely unpleasant and frustrating. It’s sad to see all those strands scattered on the floor, or caught in the hairbrush after combing them. However, this is not definitive and we can work to reverse the situation.

To deal with hair loss, one of the main factors is to understand the reason that is causing the problem. It could be a hormonal factor, a nutritional deficiency, the use of certain medications, a case of physical or emotional stress, etc.

It is worth consulting a doctor to investigate what is causing the hair loss, so that it is possible to treat it at the root, depending on the particularities of each case.

In addition, we can also make use of natural remedies that can help to stop the fall and, in addition, stimulate the growth of new hair so that we can return to having strong and healthy hair.

Today, in our space, we want to share some homemade solutions that help us fight hair loss. Be sure to check them out below.

1. Aloe vera to deal with hair loss

Aloe-vera-to-treat-hair loss

Aloe vera is widely known for its hair and skin benefits, and it can also help fight hair loss.

The gel from this plant has several vitamins and minerals that make the hair grow, in addition to helping to unclog hair follicles.

To use it, just apply a little gel from a leaf on the scalp, making gentle massages so that it can penetrate well.

Leave on for a few hours or overnight, then rinse with warm water. Repeat between 3 and 4 times a week.

2. Eggs to deal with hair loss

Proteins are key nutrients for hair health, and eggs contain one of the best combinations of protein around.

As a result, they can help fight sagging and stimulate hair growth. Enjoy the following recipe:

  • Take two eggs and separate the yolks from the whites.
  • Mix the egg yolks with a little olive oil.
  • Gently massage the scalp with the mixture for about 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.

3. Rosemary infusion to deal with hair loss

Rosemary-to-treat-hair loss

Rosemary is an excellent herb for hair care. It stimulates and improves circulation in the scalp, promoting hair growth and helping to stop hair loss.

In addition, it still nourishes and cleans the hair, and even prevents the appearance of gray hair.

To use it, just make an infusion with a handful of rosemary and water. Then let it cool, strain the leaves, and you have the rosemary water.

Then, just apply it to the scalp, making gentle massages to intensify the penetration of water into it.

Let it act and do not rinse. You can keep it in your hair overnight and rinse it off in the morning.

4. Fenugreek to deal with hair loss

Fenugreek seeds are a lesser-known remedy, but they are none the less effective in combating hair loss.

Furthermore, they will help make your hair grow much faster, stronger and healthier. To use fenugreek, check out the following recipe:

  • Soak three tablespoons of seeds in water for between eight and ten hours.
  • Then grind the seeds into a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the hair and, mainly, on the scalp, making gentle massages.
  • Leave on for about 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Apply the treatment regularly, once a week, to see results.

To enhance them, you can also rinse your hair with the water in which the fenugreek seeds have been soaked.

5. Hibiscus flower to deal with hair loss

Hibiscus flower has several natural properties that help fight hair loss. In addition to promoting growth, it can also be used to deter dandruff and strengthen hair.

Check out this recipe to enjoy all its benefits:

  • Place two cups of coconut oil and 10 hibiscus flowers in a container.
  • Warm the solution to make an infusion. Then strain and keep the oil.
  • Apply it to your hair before going to sleep. Wash your hair in the morning.
  • Repeat a few times a week for best results.

Heads up

Keep in mind that, as discussed earlier, the use of these remedies will not completely solve the problem if the cause behind hair loss is not investigated.

It is worth consulting a doctor to get rid of hair loss permanently and according to the specifics of your body.

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