Discover 6 Natural Stomach Protectors

Chamomile is a natural and very effective alternative to combat stomach pain and alleviate possible discomfort after meals. It can be used as a medicine or as a preventive.

A very common problem in our daily lives is acidity in the stomach, reflux or those uncomfortable problems that range from gastritis to general malaise in the abdomen and chest. However, before resorting to self-medication, know these 6 natural stomach protectors.

Many people resort to classic stomach protectors, a medication that we often take without a prescription and that, when taken regularly, can cause problems.

Therefore, be sure to use natural stomach protectors.

Of course, first of all, we must know what is causing the problem and, for that, it is always necessary to have medical advice.

What should we do before resorting to stomach protectors


According to the Spanish Society of Digestive Pathology,  the consumption of medicines that act as stomach protectors increases considerably each year, between 4 to 5%.

What is this increase due to? It seems that  in recent times there have been more problems with ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux, acidity, etc … Diseases essentially related to the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

  • One fact that seems clear is that we are not eating well. And this, together with the fact that we are increasingly suffering from stress, generates a very common situation that makes us look for help from drugs instead of treating the cause of the problem.
  • To maintain good digestive health, we must be careful about the type of food we serve on our plates each day.
  • The most common problem is, almost always, gastroesophageal reflux. Therefore, it is essential that we start increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, including raw vegetables.

The reason? They contain live enzymes that take care of the stomach tissue.

  • Another fact to take into account is that we must restrict diets rich in sugars and processed sweets. They irritate and inflame our organism, are not easy to digest and are never useful to satiate hunger.
  • Leading an active life, where we do a little exercise, is also important to fight gastroesophageal reflux. Walking, for example, strengthens our immune system and improves our overall health.
  • It’s also good to try to control your emotions. You already know that the stomach is often said to be our second brain, and it is common for nerves, anxieties, etc. to be concentrated in it.

The Best Natural Stomach Protectors

1. Apples

Apple-as-natural-stomach protector

Surely you already knew. Apples are light and very digestive. In fact, they act as  excellent natural stomach protectors thanks to their anti-inflammatory action.

  • For this to happen and the apple to act as a good natural remedy for our digestive health, it must be consumed with the skin.
  • The pectin present in the apple peel and the glycine in its pulp are two good antacids that are worth taking into account and consuming on a regular basis. But try to get apples grown organically and not treated with pesticide.

2. Sodium bicarbonate

Not everyone is comfortable with baking soda, so it’s a good idea to see a doctor.

However, nothing can deny the great benefits of this alkaline treatment that not only helps with digestion, but also takes care of kidney and liver health.

Baking soda is one of the most effective natural stomach protectors, so don’t hesitate to mix a teaspoon of this substance in a glass of water to treat your digestive problems. Do this after the main meal of the day.

3.  Aloe juice

One of the most interesting and economical natural stomach protectors you can try is aloe juice.

It is very suitable to reduce inflammation, intestinal and gastric problems and even to combat the always painful gastroesophageal reflux.

To do this, you will only have to dissolve half a teaspoon (3 grams) of the aloe plant gel in a glass of water.

Heat a little to dissolve well and drink at room temperature after your meals. You will find yourself feeling better.

4. Organic Apple Vinegar

Do you have apple cider vinegar at home? Make sure it is organic, as this way you will be sure that its properties are the best and most natural possible.

You will only have to add a teaspoon (5 ml) of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water (200 ml) and drink it before your meal.  This will help with digestion and prevent reflux. 

5. Chamomile Infusion

Chamomile-as-natural-stomach protector

Delicious, relaxing and very healthy. The infusion of chamomile, and especially its dried flowers, helps to solve many digestive problems.

It is one of the best known natural stomach protectors and is able to care for and strengthen the health of the gastric mucosa. Remember that it is important to drink this infusion at room temperature; never too cold or too hot.

6. Licorice

We are not referring to the typical candy that children usually eat, but to the root so healthy and intensely flavored that it can help ex-smokers regulate the nicotine withdrawal syndrome.

You will find licorice root in health food stores, ready for infusions. Thanks to its natural properties, licorice serves as a protective gel in the stomach wall that protects it from acids that appear during digestion.

You’ll see how great you feel if you start eating a little better and adopting these great natural stomach protectors into your life on a regular basis.

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