What Are The Causes Of Hair Loss?

To prevent falling, we must maintain healthy lifestyle habits, avoid excessive use of flat irons and hair dryers, and use quality hair care products.
What are the causes of hair loss?

As you’ve certainly noticed, it ‘s very normal that every time we wash our hair some strands fall out.

What is not normal is that the loss is constant, that is, it occurs whenever we comb our hair and find a large amount of hair on our brush or several hairs on our pillow every day.

If you are wondering what the causes of this constant hair loss might be, what we will tell you below will be of great help in discovering what the reasons might be.

Possible Causes of Hair Loss

Telogen effluvium

Also known as baldness, it can occur for a variety of reasons. One of them is right after pregnancy, a major surgery, a diet to lose weight, a stressful episode or the consumption of some medications.

Hair loss can occur between six weeks to three months after experiencing one of these events and very considerable loss can occur.

Hereditary disease or causes

In many cases, hair loss occurs because the mother or father has the gene pattern that doesn’t produce much hair. Most people who suffer from this inconvenience start noticing the problem before they turn twenty.

Ideally, these people would seek professional help to start a good treatment as soon as possible so that they would stop the problem.


The vast majority of patients with hypothyroidism are women. They are the ones who most often suffer from hair loss, as the thyroid gland is responsible, among other functions, for regulating hair growth.

To be sure that this is the cause, the doctor should recommend some tests and, depending on the results, start the treatment indicated to stop the hair loss.


Worldwide, there are around a million and a half people who suffer from this disease and the majority are women. This is an autoimmune disease that attacks healthy tissue by mistake.

One of its symptoms is precisely the abundant loss of hair and scalp discomfort, in addition to fever, pain and swelling in the extremities, anemia and chest pain.

polycystic ovary syndrome

This problem starts with a hormonal maladjustment that causes no symptoms and can start as early as age eleven, when the ovaries produce too many male hormones.

The most common symptom is heavy hair loss, but there may be an increase in the amount of hair on other parts of the body.

As it turns out, there are many causes of hair loss. But just knowing them will not end the problem, you need to seek help immediately.

In addition to knowing the causes and seeking immediate help, it is important to follow the indicated recommendations to obtain lasting results.

Homemade shampoos for every hair type

How to prevent hair loss?

It’s very important to keep us well hydrated. As we already know, a large part of our organism is composed of water, so we should drink enough water every day and, in this way, avoid hair loss, among other problems.

maintain healthy habits

In order to maintain healthy hair, it is also important to have a good diet, exercise and sleep at least eight hours a day.

Have a good massage once a week

A very important thing to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss is to keep the scalp healthy, a condition we achieve by massaging with olive oil, jojoba or coconut oil.

The ideal is to perform the massage once a week and in the evening.

Avoiding tools that harm the scalp

When we have severe hair loss and we want to avoid this problem, the ideal is to try to reduce the use of boards and dryers, these “tools” dry out and mistreat both the hair and the scalp.

Other important recommendations that we can put into practice are not to keep your hair in braids, do not hold it when it is wet, let it loose for as long as possible, and try to use good quality products, such as shampoos and conditioners that contain vitamin A , B, C and E.

This will help keep your hair healthy and prevent it from falling out.

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