Foods That Help Fight Bad Breath

Some foods have a great reputation for causing bad breath. Garlic and onions are excellent examples. However, the most common reason for this problem is poor oral hygiene, especially the tongue.
Foods That Help Fight Bad Breath

In some people, bad breath is so common that it is no longer noticed. When this happens, quickly see a dentist.

But just as there are foods that cause this problem, there are also foods that can leave your mouth with a more pleasant breath. So, let’s check it out?

Boldo tea

Problems with breath shouldn’t be associated with the mouth alone. Some can be associated with poor digestion. This occurs when gases produced in the intestine are incorrectly diverted to the stomach and released through the airways.

To alleviate it, boldo tea can be very useful, as it stimulates this process, preventing unpleasant odor.


Ginger for bad breath

We already know that ginger has antioxidant and anticoagulant properties, among others. However, it is an excellent natural astringent as it stimulates some digestive processes. A good alternative to eliminate bad breath is to carry ginger candies or even add it to meals.

Water to fight bad breath

water for bad breath

Water is good for many processes in our body, including good breath as it stimulates the salivary glands and also helps to eliminate waste from all over our body, even from the mouth.


Mint for bad breath

Mint is widely used in digestive system problems, as it has properties that are able to stimulate this system, not to mention its great aroma.

When chewing the leaves of this plant, you direct the juice formed by saliva into the stomach, speeding up digestion.

Besides, it gets that fresh taste in your mouth. For this reason it is present in candies, mouthwashes and toothpaste.

apple, carrot and cucumber

When eaten raw and in their skin, apples, carrots and cucumbers perform a kind of scraping of the teeth. Thus, they prevent the accumulation of bacteria and rid us of possible unwanted odors.

Lemon juice for bad breath

Lemon has an astringent and bactericidal action, being able to eliminate bacteria present in the mouth and throughout the digestive system. Not to mention that it acts as a regulator of the intestine, responsible for producing various gases that often end up being eliminated by the airways.

Natural yogurt without sugar

One of the most common reasons for bad breath is the high level of hydrogen sulfide in our body. This is a result of our body’s anaerobic metabolic processes. Thus, natural yogurt without sugar works by reducing the levels of this gas.

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