4 Mistakes A First-Time Mom Should Avoid

First-time mothers are always afraid of making mistakes. Don’t worry, it’s normal and that’s why we’ll help you with these 4 tips.
4 Mistakes A First-Time Mother Should Avoid

What scares a first-time mom? Being a mother is an unforgettable experience. Pregnancy is a stage full of unique sensations. However, if you are a first-time mother, your head may be full of doubts, and that is totally normal.

It’s your first time as a mother, and however much you prepare, some details may slip away. “Will the baby be hungry?”, “When should I bathe?”, “How often should he eat?”.  These are the most common questions from first-time mothers. Keep calm and keep reading.

If you are a first-time mom, rest assured; it’s a learning stage for you and your family. You will learn to understand your baby through action, trial and error.

Mistakes A First-Time Mother Should Avoid

First-time mother caressing her son

A very common mistake is setting a time to breastfeed the baby. Before choosing this mode, you should know that you must feed him when he asks. Yes, it can be tedious, but that way you’ll be sure he’s comfortable with that.

Newborn babies are very delicate and sensitive to just about everything. Avoid treating your baby harshly. That way you’ll keep him from crying and keep him safe from harm. Yes, a newborn baby needs protection. But as a first-time mom, you can’t go too far in this regard. Avoid putting too much clothing on him as this can make the baby feel uncomfortable, cry and become dehydrated.

It is possible to tell if your baby is cold or hot. It’s just a matter of observing and feeling it. If his hands and feet are cold or lavender, he’s cold and it’s a good idea to cover him up better. If you notice that he is wet around his neck, back and neck, he is feeling hot and it is best to take off some clothes to avoid suffocating him.

1. Listen to all the opinions of people around you

As a first-time mother, you will have many people close to you enjoying your pregnancy and trying to help you. It’s great to have your family and friends at this special time in your life. Having company during pregnancy is essential.  But you can feel overwhelmed and that’s normal.

“Don’t leave him without socks”, “cut his hair at three months”, “sterilize everything”Avoid giving such opinions too much importance. Don’t stress about all these tips; while some are true, others are not.

If you think you need help, talk to professional experts in the field. Currently, there are endless options for services and tutors that can help you, such as a doula. Get informed and get advice from people who really add value to this unique stage of your life.

2. Doubt your intuition

From the first day you become aware that you are carrying a baby inside of you,  your brain develops a mother’s own intuition. Motherhood makes women find themselves in their purest and most natural state, so don’t be afraid to make some decisions without someone else’s support.

First time mother holding her child

Get out of the schematics. If your intuition tells you, you will be right, or at least very close to it.

3. Neglecting your partner

The baby that has just arrived is the result of union with your partner, which should be a reason for joy for both of you. It is necessary that chemistry, empathy and good treatment are maintained between the two, providing a pleasant environment. Your baby will notice and feel comfortable.

When you are settled into your baby’s routine and a few months have passed,  plan outings and times with your partner. Keep the flame that made you fall in love alive and create a pleasant relationship based on respect, tolerance and honesty.

4. Exclude the father from your baby’s routines

The first few days of your child’s life can be a daunting task. If you are a first-time mother, the stress will increase. While you can count on the support of the expert who works best for you, remember that your partner knows you better than anyone else. Also, he will be excited to participate in his new role as a father.

First-time parents with child in bed

Tell him, very patiently, how some of the baby’s tasks are accomplished. Teach him how to carry the baby, how to change his diaper, etc. These are memorable moments​, but always remind him that you will be there to support him. Both are learning.


Two key words a first-time mom should consider: be patient. That must be your mantra. Learn every day, memorize the things that worked for you, and include your partner in every moment. Avoid stressful or uncomfortable situations so that they don’t influence your baby’s mood. Having moments for yourself, your partner and your friends will be valuable to everyone, especially your mood.

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