6 Tricks To Eat Less Without Going Hungry

The bigger the plate, the more you’ll fill it and the more you’ll eat. Using a smaller plate is one of the tricks for eating less without starving yourself.
6 tricks to eat less without going hungry

we generally opt for low-nutrient foods .

there are several strategies that can prevent us from consuming excess calories without suffering

Advice to eat less without going hungry

1. If you don’t see, you don’t eat

woman refusing candy
One of the methods to eat less without starving yourself is to avoid foods that can be tempting. If they’re out of your sight, they’re less likely to harm your diet.

People who have food at their disposal all the time weigh about a pound and a half more

that they are healthy foods and never in excess.

2. Smaller plates and cutlery to eat less without going hungry

the cutlery can determine how much we eat.

if we follow this advice to “trick” the brain. The reason for this is that by using smaller cutlery we will eat slower and less.

In addition, it is essential to chew your food well.

3. Eat close to people who eat healthy

This situation can generate some anxiety and bad mood.

Eat close to those who eat less or who are also on a diet

4. Reward yourself

woman eating dessert
It’s not about following a completely restrictive diet, but it’s not about overdoing it either. We can eat desserts or “rewards”, as long as occasionally and in moderate portions.

By the time you find it difficult to diet and eat healthily, reaching your goal will be more difficult and your intentions to change your weight loss habits will be short-lived.

find a way to simplify these changes

we think that, in order to lose weight, it is necessary to go hungry healthy eating

you can eat more food without going hungry. If you adopt this routine, you will see how you will lose weight and your motivation will increase considerably. It has been proven that the practice of physical exercise is one of the best tools to improve body composition.

5. Drink more water to eat less without going hungry

is to drink a large glass of water before eating, study published in Clinical Nutrition Research

drinking water is also helpful in the face of an irrepressible urge or urge to eat.

6. Size and color of portions

filling a smaller plate, in a way the brain is also tricked and you feel “full” sooner.

serve them in a non-light container to fool the brain

we recommend that you always use dishes in a color that contrasts with the food.

red and yellow colors favor fast feeding;

Try these tricks to eat less without going hungry

it is possible to eat less without going hungry

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