The 9 Foods For Stronger Hair And Nails

In addition to taking care of our external appearance with cosmetic products and masks, we can promote the growth and health of both nails and hair with the ingestion of adequate nutrients.
The 9 Foods for Stronger Hair and Nails

Would you like to have stronger hair and nails? So know that you are not alone, as this is what most women want.

It is very common to hear from women that their nails are weak and brittle. They also complain that their hair is damaged, weak, and falling out at an unusual intensity.

Many of them make use of cosmetic products and even medicines. They can help to strengthen and promote the health of both nails and hair.

However, there are times when, to achieve this goal, we must complement it with a strategy that takes care of our body from the inside out.

Weak nails and hair are often due to a deficiency of nutrients that we are not getting properly in our diets.

For this reason, we’ll show you 9 foods worth including in your diet for stronger hair and nails.

If you or someone you know is suffering from weak, brittle hair and nails, be sure to check out these true natural remedies.

Foods for stronger hair and nails

1 – Legumes

Legumes for stronger hair and nails

Legumes provide us with vitamins and minerals, as well as being an excellent source of vegetable protein.

As they contain iron, zinc and biotin, they are excellent for strengthening nails and hair, as these nutrients can help us a lot in this goal.

Which legumes are we talking about? From beans, lentils, peas and chickpeas, for example.

2 – Almonds

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that promotes collagen production and provides anti-inflammatory benefits for the body.

They are rich in amino acids, and are also a source of calcium, an essential mineral for the health of nails, hair, skin, teeth and bones.

Also, contain vitamin B in its composition. It is the most commonly used vitamin in supplements prescribed to strengthen nails and hair.

3 – Green leaves

Green leaves like kale, spinach and chard offer a wide range of health benefits. Its consumption is also associated with stronger nails and hair.

Green leaves contain zinc and vitamins A, B and C, used by the body to restore and maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

4 eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein and also contain vitamin D in addition to biotin.

Biotin plays an important role in the development of keratin. People with a deficiency of this substance usually have weaker hair and nails.

5 – Salmon

Salmon for stronger hair and nails

Salmon is also a very healthy source of protein and biotin. In addition, it gives us omega 3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and promote nail and skin health.

When we talk about skin, we are including the scalp here, which is why they are an important element for hair health.

6 – Brazil Nut

This Brazilian chestnut can also help us strengthen our nails and hair. It is among the best sources of the mineral selenium, which helps boost hair and nail health.

Furthermore, selenium is an antioxidant that strengthens our immune system in a natural way.

7 – Blueberries

Antioxidants are critical because they protect our cells and our bodies from premature aging and free radicals.

These antioxidants play an important role in strengthening our nails and hair. Blueberries are among the best sources of antioxidants we can find.

8 – Beer

Beer for stronger hair and nails

Amazingly, beer can help us have stronger hair and nails. This is because it is an important source of silicon, which increases blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates hair growth.

One study has shown that taking a daily 10 mg silicon supplement can reduce hair and nail brittleness after 20 days.

9 – Red meat

Red meat can even be considered the villain in many health-related aspects. However, she is able to strengthen weak and brittle hair and nails.

This is due to the presence of proteins and, mainly, iron, a mineral essential for the health of the nail and hair.

People with iron deficiency and anemia often have problems with hair loss, demonstrating its importance in this regard.

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