Spearmint To Fight Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome? Be aware that consuming peppermint can help significantly reduce your symptoms. Are you excited to try this natural remedy?
Spearmint to fight irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common gastrointestinal disease,

This disease usually causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating, constipation and gases Article Bowel Syndrome Irritable

The properties of mint

Mint has been treated in several studies and articles Las medicinal plants: the main alternative for health care, in the rural population of Babahoyo, Ecuador

  • Gastrointestinal Infections
  • Cramps and stomach pains
  • Diarrhea
  • Gastritis
  • parasites
Irritable bowel syndrome
Spearmint has anti-inflammatory and carminative properties that support the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Its intake helps to calm episodes of diarrhea, inflammation and excess gas.

analgesics, antispasmodics and tranquilizers excellent anti-inflammatory and carminative

they can be triggered by different foods or even by stress.

a natural alternative that we can use whenever we need

Mint for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

how can we consume it to take advantage of all its properties ?

Mint Infusion to Fight Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Let’s see how to prepare a mint infusion if you choose the second alternative.


  • 20 grams of fresh mint.


  • Put the water in a pot on the fire.
  • Wash the mint well and add it when the water starts to boil.
  • At the boiling point, turn off the heat and cover the pan.
  • Let it sit for about 5 minutes.
cup of mint tea
The most common way to take advantage of the properties of mint is its preparation as an infusion. This drink can be consumed several times a day to keep symptoms under control.

can relieve them and bring great well-being

mint essential oil

Another way to consume peppermint for irritable bowel syndrome is through its essential oil.

normal is to take between one to two peppermint capsules (about 180-200 mg) a day,

In addition, we will note how the other symptoms will be much less frequent.

we recommend that if symptoms do not improve, you consult a doctor to maintain a strict diet.

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