Potato Utilities

Learn about some of the uses of this delicious food here
Potato Utilities

Potatoes can be described as a food that offers us high quality protein and carbohydrates. It is undoubtedly deficient in some nutrients, such as vitamin E, B12, A and fats. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about the uses of potatoes.

Despite this, it is still nutritious and has many properties that benefit our bodies, as they contain fiber, vitamins B and C and minerals. What’s more, its bark has a high potassium content.

In this article, however, we will not talk about the potato as a food, but we will go deeper into its effectiveness in treating some conditions in the body. In all the cases we expose, we will be referring to raw potatoes.

Potato utilities: for the skin

Acne is caused by clogged pores, excessive skin fat and the build-up of bacteria. In this dermatological problem, potatoes can be of great help.

What are the skin-friendly components of potatoes? Well then, let’s see. Raw potatoes are rich in minerals such as sulfur, potassium and phosphorus, which are good in dermatological cases.

These minerals stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which provide a well-toned and youthful skin.

Potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that prevents cell damage and encourages healing.

It has properties as an alkaline food, which also works as an important acne combatant by breaking down pore fat.

What’s more, it has mild antibacterial properties that can destroy acne causing bacteria.

By applying potato slices on the skin, you will be benefiting from its property as an exfoliant, which will help to eliminate dead cells, which , if not removed, can block the skin’s pores.

Exfoliation also eliminates the scars left by acne and promotes the growth of a new layer of healthy skin cells.

To achieve the elimination of dark circles, put potato slices in the eyes and let it act for 10 minutes. It is also possible to use compresses incorporated with potato juice.

Its acids, enzymes, minerals and compounds soothe dark circles and keep skin healthy and smooth.

Other Potato Utilities That Are Healthy

  • Download fevers. Simply cut it raw and place it on top or under the feet (keeping it pressed against the skin with the help of a sock).
  • Helps relieve sprain pain. Apply raw potato plaster to the twisted area.
  • Collaborates in the healing and renewal of the skin in case of burns. For this the raw potato needs to be grated.

Potato Utilities: Potato Peel Tea

This tea promotes blood circulation and helps to improve hypertension problems.

In addition, its alkaline content facilitates the digestive processes and detoxification of the body, relieving stomach ulcers.

Potato Utilities: Raw Potato Juice

Used to improve migraines and combat constipation. For this it is necessary to consume the juice in the morning, on an empty stomach.

It acts as a liver and intestinal cleanser and helps to reduce uric acid. It can be sweetened with honey.

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