How To Furnish A Children’s Room

One of the most important issues for our children to interact well with their surroundings is related to the children’s dormitory. How do we decorate it? How much space should you have? There are some important guidelines to follow.
How to Furnish a Children's Room

The children’s room usually looks like a small jungle indoors. Always messy, full of things lying on the floor like pencils, toys, shoes or clothes. If, in addition, the space is small, the situation can get really chaotic. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way.

Children feel more comfortable when their bedroom is cozy and reflects their personality. There are also practical aspects that cannot be overlooked. Next, we’ll look at some recommendations for furnishing a children’s dormitory.

Advice for furnishing a children’s room

A room without much furniture

Little-furnished children's room

The fewer elements we have, the better the way to organize the room. Thus, children will have ample space to play.

Children’s bedroom furniture must be functional. In addition to the bed and a desk or office, it is essential to have furniture that allows you to store a large amount of things. However, it is preferable not to clutter this space with unnecessary furniture or objects as children need a lot of space to play.

By the way, it ‘s also better not to have too many toys along the way so as not to interfere with the passage. It is preferable to keep all the toys and leave only the favorites within reach, to take out little by little when playing.

Respect the preferences of the little ones

The best way to decide on children’s dorm decor is to listen to the kids’ opinions. Objects must be consistent with your tastes, hobbies, etc.

We must not forget that this place will be their world and they must feel it as their own space where they feel identified. For this, bright colors like red can be attractive and cheerful.

When children feel good in their room, it’s easier to teach them to keep it tidy. Order must be part of the game, but it is essential that each thing has its place. Therefore, when decorating a children’s bedroom, it is essential to consider the places to store it.

Furniture to store

colorful furniture

To avoid unnecessary conflicts and endless arguments about order, the best we can do is teach children to care for their own toys. But we must help them by providing furniture that is capable of supporting this task.

Chests with wheels and boxes are very useful. It is recommended to choose those that are within reach of children and that have tags, this way, children can sort their things by classifying them, for example, in:

  • Books
  • stuffed animals
  • Puzzles and board games etc.

In small rooms, it is very useful to take advantage of the space under the bed. Many children’s beds come equipped for this, they have drawers that are ideal for storing toys, clothes and all sorts of things. In fact, these drawers have the advantage of being within reach of the little ones.

If the children’s bed doesn’t have drawers, we can buy some boxes with wheels that adapt to the space. This space is very useful to help us keep the room in order. The important thing is not to overload these boxes or chests with things that are too heavy, as they could be dangerous for children.

small spaces

There are many tricks and tips to take advantage of a small space. To furnish a small children’s dormitory, the first thing we have to do is choose the bed well. Folding beds are an excellent option.

This type of bed allows you to have ample space during the day so that the child can freely develop their activities. And during the night, just open them and we will have a room ready to rest. The system is as easy and convenient as opening and closing a window.

Another good option for small spaces is the raised bed. It’s like a bunk bed, but with a single bed on top. The space below is free for an office or place to play. If the children’s room is shared, then a bunk bed is the best solution.

The walls of the children’s room

Customized children's bedroom walls

You can customize your children’s room with murals or elements they like.

Although we sometimes don’t think about it, the children’s bedroom walls are very useful for storing all sorts of things. Shelves, hanging hooks and other accessories for walls and doors are great storage allies. But we must not forget that everything must be within reach of children.

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