3 Yoga Postures For Pelvic Health Care

We’ve revealed some of the best yoga postures to naturally take care of your pelvis health. All of them are simple and easy to make. Try it!
3 yoga postures for pelvic health care

Do you know how to take care of your pelvic health? Your pelvis is located at the bottom of your body. It can be said that it is the support of the abdomen and legs. It is  defined this way:

“A region of the mammalian body formed by the sacrum, coccyx and innominate bones, located in the back of the trunk, where the final part of the digestive tract, urinary bladder, and other organs are housed.”

Many women have problems or show some kind of discomfort in their pelvic muscles. In general, weakness in the pelvic region is usually due to pregnancy, injury, or lack of physical activity.

Below we reveal which are the best yoga postures for taking care of pelvic health. All are easy to make and you’ll notice results within a week. For long term results it is important that you practice these postures regularly.

Aspects to take into account for pelvic health care

When it comes to taking care of your pelvic health, it is important that you keep in mind certain important aspects. Remember, if you have any of the below, you can always see your doctor.

  • If you have less than 6 months of surgery in the pelvic area, ask your doctor and get permission before doing any of these exercises.
  • Yoga postures should be comfortable and should never cause pain. If you notice any discomfort, you should decrease the intensity.
  • Start with 2 or 3 repetitions of yoga postures. As you gain skill and experience, gradually increase the number of reps.
  • Take your time to perform these positions. If you try to speed up the process, you could get hurt.

1. Thumb posture

Yoga for Pelvic Health Care

This position improves the health of your pelvis and strengthens your legs. Avoid this posture if you often experience a chronic headache or have low blood pressure.

  • Start by standing up. Place your feet side by side about eight inches apart. Keeping your spine straight, lower it little by little, exhaling air to facilitate the movement.
  • If your flexibility allows, bend your body until your hands reach your feet. Otherwise, just reach the ankles.
  • If your hands reach your feet, touch the thumb of your hand and slowly count to 10, or wait 30 seconds.
  • After this time, come up and exhale little by little. Repeat this position 3 times.

2. Bridge posture

Yoga for Pelvic Health Care

This position helps maintain pelvic health, promotes blood circulation and strengthens muscles. We recommend avoiding this position if you have a problem or injury to your neck, arms or ankles. To do so, you must follow these steps:

  • Lie on your mat with your back and arms flat on the floor.
  • Breathe deeply. Bend your knees until your heels are where your knees were before. You’ll know you’re in the right position when I’ve been able to touch your heels as you stretch your arms. If so, spread your feet slightly.
  • Hands must be away from the body. Stretch your back and rest your hands on your mat and exhale.
  • Lift your hips to form a straight line from your knee to your shoulders as you breathe deeply.
  • Place your arms under your body and interlace your fingers.
  • Raise your hips as far as you can. Keep the soles of your feet flat on the mat and hold this position for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat this position 3 times with a 10 second rest between each repetition.

3. the mountain

Yoga for Pelvic Health Care

This position is one of the best for taking care of the health of your pelvis. Since it is very easy to do,  you can repeat it several times a day. If you do, you’ll notice a considerable improvement in a few weeks.

It is recommended to improve your posture, elasticity, and reduce back pain. Also, you can do it at the end of your exercise routine if you want to rest your muscles and relax. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Stand as straight as possible on your treadmill. Your head should be slightly raised, with your lower jaw parallel to the mat and your neck stretched without strain.
  • Breathe deeply. Bring your legs together by squeezing together and repeat the process with your feet.
  • Relax your body a little and gently spread your toes. Repeat the process of bringing the legs together and releasing the pressure.
  • Distribute your weight evenly on both legs. pull your lower belly in and out slowly.
  • Stretch your arms out to the sides and keep your palms beside your thighs.
  • Bring your fingers together facing down and stretch your back without lifting your shoulders.
  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times with 20 second breaks between each repetition.

With this position there are no health risks. Remember that if you experience dizziness or any discomfort, you should stop immediately. Usually trying to stand up doesn’t cause any problems, but if you have anemia, you may feel uncomfortable.

Protect your pelvis health by practicing yoga regularly

As you’ve noticed, these postures are quite simple to perform. We recommend that you do a series of each a day. This is a good start if you haven’t exercised for a long time and your pelvis has started to show damage of some sort. Over time, you can try other postures  or increase physical activity.


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