Meet The New Nutritional Pyramid

The new nutritional pyramid is based on a much broader concept, which includes respect for the environment, therefore, it emphasizes the concern with solidarity and sustainability.
Discover the new nutritional pyramid

Currently, our beliefs about food have changed. So much so that the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) established  a new nutritional pyramid.

SENC developed the new nutritional pyramid with the help of 100 experts in the field, who applied new criteria.

Unlike what happens in the traditional, it starts from the basis that  emotional health is very important. In this sense, they are based on the idea that food should also be an act of solidarity. Solidarity and love guarantee social and environmental sustainability.

Thus, we ensure that nutrition is not a luxury for a few. This is because consumption patterns change industrial practices.

So, if we opt for local stores and organic products, we will do our bodies a favor. We will also be taking care of our minds, as we  will know that we are improving the lives of others and that is always comforting.

In addition, we will be taking care of the environment. Taking these parameters into account, SENC makes a more complete and transversal proposal. Do you want to meet her?

Learn about the new nutritional pyramid

base of the new pyramid

Base of the new nutritional pyramid

As you know, at the base are habits that must be repeated at least 5 times a week.

This level includes one hour of daily exercise.

It is recommended the consumption of fruits and vegetables, but coming from organic cultivation. Firstly, because they are healthier because they are not contaminated, and secondly, because they are more sustainable from an environmental, social and economic point of view.

Regarding the way to hydrate yourself, water, tea and coffee are recommended, above any other alternative. The last two are preferable to natural juices, as fruits contain a lot of sugar.

Second level

Second level of the new nutritional pyramid

Here we find what should be done regularly.

As we have already indicated, it is recommended to opt for whole grains. These are slow-absorbing carbohydrates that give us the energy we need and, in turn, contain lots of fiber, iron, magnesium and zinc. All of them facilitate digestion and keep metabolism fast.

Also, they are more satiating, so they help to get rid of hunger attacks.

Extra virgin olive oil was also introduced to show the importance of ingesting healthy fats and omega 3 fatty acids.

However, it is necessary to eat it raw, as the heat decomposes its cellular structure. The hotter it is, the more harmful it will be, which explains the rejection of fried foods.

third level

Third level of the nutritional pyramid

Finally, there are meats and processed products. Perhaps most important in the new nutritional pyramid is that it warns against the risk of high-protein diets.

Many diets for the purpose of losing weight have this character. However, we must take into account that the liver does not easily synthesize the protein, so it is not good to abuse it.

On the other hand, the possibility of taking nutritional supplements occasionally is also accepted. However, it is recommended that they be ingested under the guidance of a professional.

We may need a supplement, but not just any one. Therefore, it is preferable that someone with expertise tells you what you need.

In any case, SENC insists on the need to live and eat with love. They don’t speak of a cheesy love, but of a committed and serious love for ourselves and our surroundings. When you start living this way, habits  automatically change for the better.

Loving ourselves and loving others implies being respectful of our needs and sympathetic to those of others. Thus, taking care of others and of ourselves, we also promote the Earth’s health.

If you think about it, it doesn’t sound so weird, don’t you think?

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