4 Simple Exercises To Relieve Neck Pain

Having bad posture, stress, or making a bad movement can cause neck pain. With these exercises, you can experience relief almost immediately. See how simple it is to relieve cervical pain. 
4 Simple Exercises to Relieve Neck Pain

Neck pain is very common and uncomfortable. If you want to alleviate them, we leave some recommendations for you to be able to do it. It will be as simple as following these exercises you can do at home. Make a note of them!

Neck pain can present different degrees of intensity, becoming a real discomfort to the point where you cannot bear the pain.

It is an ailment that is located in the cervical area, that is, in the back of the neck. The sensation is like having a throbbing pain that intensifies as time goes on. All of this causes us to end up not resting properly.

Causes of neck pain

A cervical contracture can cause headaches

If you have neck pain and are wondering why you have it, make a note of these causes and find out which one corresponds to your reasons. So you can try to stop them as soon as possible.

  1. Bad posture. Bad postures can happen for a variety of reasons, including simply having your computer poorly installed.
  2. Stress. Stress, whether at work, pressure or personal problems, ends up causing neck pain.
  3. As a result of bad movement. If we do a sudden movement or exercise the wrong way, we can also get neck pain. These pains are more and more frequent due to the constant posture we adopt when we use our cell phone or computer.

Exercises to relieve cervical pain

1. Cervical rotation

Woman doing simple exercises to relieve cervical pain

Use it whenever you can to do this exercise. For this, it  is best to sit in a correct position, in such a way that your back remains straight and supported on the backrest.

As for the arms, the best option is to stay at the sides, relaxed and supported on the legs. Bring your chin to one of your shoulders and turn your head this way and that. Do several reps, at least 5 times per side.

2. Lateral flexion

The lateral push-ups are used to give more support to the back. To do them, you will have to lean on a chair or armchair, trying to bring your ear to your shoulder.

To do this movement you will have to place your hand on your head and you can do it without any problems, without forcing the movement. Repeat this exercise with each side.

3. Move back and forth

woman with neck pain

Backward and forward movements will also serve to eliminate contractures. To do it correctly  you will have to put your neck back, focusing your gaze towards the ceiling.

once that’s done, and gently, you’ll have to return to your starting position and bring your neck down, trying to look at the floor.

To perform this exercise correctly,  you should relax your jaw by taking slow breaths and avoiding bending the posture any further.

4. Try to relax your shoulders as much as possible

With the shoulders, you will have to make circular movements,  in such a way that you will be turning outwards or backwards and also forwards. When doing this,  do not bend your back and repeat the series approximately 10 times.

In this way your shoulders will be released from the tension exerted and you will be able to lighten the load.

Other important recommendations

Massages help relieve cervical pain

In addition to these exercises that will serve to do stretches that will allow you to have your cervical in the best possible condition,  there are other options to release tension  and relax your muscles. For example,  a good alternative is Yoga.

Apply hot compresses to the affected area or heat with your own hair dryer.

Avoid overloading your shoulders with more weight than you must carry. To do this,  avoid carrying bags, purses, heavy loads,  etc. In case you have to take weight, use the strength of your legs and not your back.

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