Tips For Fighting Osteoporosis

Did you know that bananas, being rich in potassium, help to strengthen bones? Salmon and sardines, on the other hand, are rich in vitamin D and calcium.
Tips to fight osteoporosis

The best way to fight osteoporosis is to strengthen your bones, no matter how old you are.

We present some advice on how to do this.

What’s more, most of these home remedies to fight osteoporosis also contribute to improving your overall health. So what are you waiting for to get started?

Tips to fight osteoporosis

exercise regularly

Exercising regularly can help fight osteoporosis

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to fight osteoporosis.

Forcing a bone to support a workload or going against an opposing force (such as gravity) pushes the body to produce more bone cells, increasing bone mass and making bone stronger.

Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, dancing, and doing aerobic exercise, make bones work against the pull of gravity.

Control your food:

To fight osteoporosis, it is necessary to control the diet
  • Peanut Butter. Magnesium is a vital component for the strengthening, preservation and rebuilding of bones. You can get 50 mg of magnesium by consuming 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.
  • Vinegar. Adding a little vinegar when cooking can help draw calcium from your bones. Do the same when preparing green salads, so you should make vinegar your new favorite dressing.
  • Apple. Boron is a mineral that helps the body maintain calcium, the building block of bones. It even acts as a substitute for estrogen and the loss of estrogen causes loss of bone mass.
  • Banana. Eating a banana a day helps strengthen your bones. Studies have found that women on high potassium diets also have stronger bones in the spine and hips.
  • Broccoli. Eat half a cup of broccoli to get your daily dose of vitamin K.
  • Green leafy vegetables. Roman lettuce, spinach, kale and kale are good options.
  • Margarine. Sprinkle some low-fat margarine on your toasted bread to consume a dose of vitamin D. This vitamin helps your body absorb calcium, a necessary ingredient for bone health.

And more…

  • Milk. When it comes to strong bones, getting enough calcium is imperative. A cup of milk can provide 300 mg of the 1,000 or 1,200 mg of calcium recommended for daily consumption.
  • Orange juice. Drinking a glass of juice helps get the vitamin C needed for the bodily processes that rebuild bones.
  • Pineapple juice. Drink a cup of pineapple juice to get a manganese dose. Other sources of manganese are oatmeal, nuts, beans, cereals, spinach and tea.
  • Salmon and sardines. Both are rich in calcium and salmon is also a good source of vitamin D.
  • Tofu. Soy is showing promise as a bone-strengthening potential. Soy contains proteins that act as a light estrogen in the body. These “phytoestrogens,” or plant-based estrogens, can help women regain bone strength.
  • Yogurt. Yogurt is low in lactose, so many people who are lactose intolerant can consume it and get the benefits of this high calcium dairy product. You can consume it with fresh fruit or substitute sour cream in some recipes.

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