9 Habits That Can Affect Brain Health

To avoid cognitive deterioration, it is very important to stimulate our brain on a daily basis, whether reading or playing some kind of mind game that helps us exercise it.
9 habits that can affect brain health

Disorders that affect brain health usually come from hereditary factors, age, or some type of injury.

However, it has been shown that there are certain habits that may also be related; because they kill neurons and decrease their activity.

Cognitive health declines over the years;  which causes, in older ages, there is a loss of memory and difficulties in performing common tasks, which were very simple before.

However, there are those who present this type of problem even when they are young; due to the deterioration they suffer from the constant practice of activities that compromise brain function.

Although in almost all cases the effects do not occur immediately, be aware that, in the long term, these habits can cause irreversible damage.

In short, it is important to maintain adequate neuronal function to maintain good brain health.

So, next, we’ll share nine unhealthy habits that affect brain health.

Habits That Can Affect Brain Health

Stressful situations


A person who constantly experiences stressful situations tends to have more difficulty concentrating. As well as using your cognitive skills to the fullest.

This is because the body’s response kills neurons and, in some cases, prevents new neurons from forming in the hippocampus. This is suggested by this interesting study carried out by the AF2R-Centre Hospitalier de Rouffach (France).

Not having a good breakfast

Breakfast not only plays a key role in metabolism and body weight, it is also necessary to activate the brain in the early morning hours.

Lack of protein, vitamins and nutrients at breakfast can cause brain degeneration, which later causes neuron death due to work overload and lack of energy.

Sleep a bit

Too little sleep can affect brain health

One of the most serious consequences of not getting enough sleep has to do with cognitive impairment.

Lack of sleep can cause brain cell loss and negative effects in the short, medium and long term.

For example, after a night with few hours of sleep it is more difficult to concentrate and perform all the tasks that need thought to be done.

In the future, further deterioration may occur. As well as degenerative disorders such as dementia may appear.

Do not practice physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle is another of the bad habits that cause brain health problems.

The body’s inactivity slows the release of several important chemicals, and later translates into loss of abilities.

polluted environments

Environments with high levels of pollution affect those who are directly exposed to it.


Cigarette can lead to brain health damage

Toxic substances present in tobacco not only have a negative impact on the lungs, but also significantly attack cognitive functions.

Both direct consumers and passive smokers are at high risk of suffering from memory loss and Alzheimer’s when they reach old age, according to this study by the University of California (United States).


Eating food in excessive amounts reduces circulation and limits the transport of oxygen from the body to the brain.

If we add to that the consumption of foods rich in saturated fats, we should know that they increase cholesterol levels and cause inflammation in the main tissues of the body.

Not taking care of the portions alters the nervous function and decreases the ability to memorize immediately. In fact, this University of Texas study establishes a link between Alzheimer’s disease risk and overweight/obesity.

Force brain activity when we’re sick

Most health conditions cause some form of bodily weakness; including the ability to fulfill brain functions.

Working, studying or doing some cognitive activity when we are sick is very harmful to human beings.

However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support this claim.

lack of stimuli


There are many activities that stimulate each of your brain functions to keep them in perfect condition no matter how long you pass.

Reading a book, playing mind games or anything else that involves thinking is a way to exercise the brain  so that it doesn’t develop serious illnesses.

By seeking a solution to these negative practices we can have a positive impact on this aspect of brain health.

Additionally, it is good to maintain a healthy diet and practice healthy routines that work in favor of cognitive activities. Do not forget that!

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