5 Habits That Successful People Have Before Bedtime

If we read before bedtime, we will be able to let go or forget about stress, relax and fall asleep faster. We should turn off electronic devices just before going to bed.

It is not about achieving professional success, but about personal success, in addition to gaining quality of life. Know 5 habits that successful people have before bed.

Following these simple habits before bedtime will help us to have a fuller life, where we will get the most out of the things that matter most. Learn more below.

This may seem like a simple question, but there’s a very clear reason to consider it: you’ve no doubt heard many times that we need to sleep eight hours a night to get adequate rest. But in reality, not all of us are the same and not all of us have the same needs.

Some people feel that six hours is enough, in contrast, others need nine hours of sleep. That’s why the average adequate sleep time has been set at 8, but only you can know how long you need to wake up with renewed energy.

That’s why the first secret is getting organized. Need seven hours? Great, so organize your sleep schedules and try to cover that need.

There is another data that must be considered. Several studies have shown that it is not appropriate to get up in a hurry… That is, to set the alarm for 7 am and leave at 7:30.

The ideal is to have breakfast calmly, take a shower and leave the house relaxed. Remember, getting up early is always a way to get more out of the day.

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No doubt many readers do this. It is interesting to know that reading before bed is very healthy, there are several studies that show that reading at least fifteen minutes before bed is good for stress relief, after all, it relaxes us, reduces anxiety and allows us to fall asleep quickly.

But consider one thing: It’s not good to read on computers, tablets or phones, as the light from these devices makes us more active rather than relaxed. How about a traditional book?


Is it possible to take a short tour of the region where you live? Is it well lit and safe? So excellent, and if you do it with someone else, so much better!

A ten- or fifteen-minute walk helps us oxygenate our bodies, relax, see things in perspective, and feel much better.

It also helps us to think more clearly and even to relativize problems. These are times when this relaxation suddenly makes you more creative and imaginative, something successful people like Bill Gates always do.

You will discover the benefits of walking a little before bed.


This is the engine of our lives, the real energy that drives our happiness. Taking time to spend with them before bedtime is beneficial and vital: a dinner with friends, playing with your children, a bath with your partner… it costs nothing and you will feel good about yourself.

It is as important as breathing, without a doubt, as it gives us quality of life and happiness.

Why is it good to plan the next day before bedtime? To set goals, clarify what we want and don’t want to do, what we want to achieve and what won’t be possible that day.

It’s a way of remembering who we are and what we want for ourselves. Visualizing the day ahead is a common strategy for successful people, but you have to be realistic, because it’s not about imagining, wanting and achieving great things.

Remember that true happiness is in the little things and sometimes in aspects like deciding you can’t go on that date with a co-worker you can’t stand to go to the park with your child, for example.

This is always a good strategy, so how about putting it into practice?

To conclude, these points serve us more to enjoy the days than to be successful, remembering that everything we do before bedtime can influence our health.

So, remember first of all to have a light dinner and, if possible, two hours before bedtime, that moments of intimacy with family and friends strengthen our emotions, that going for a walk and a hot bath relax and that reading a few minutes before falling asleep reduces tension and stress.

In some situations, being a little happier is as simple and easy as following these tips. Will you put them into practice? Great!

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