5 Great Benefits Of Raw Potatoes For The Skin

As with cucumbers, raw potatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, so it will help us to decongest the face and eliminate dark circles.

It’s possible that you never thought of  raw potatoes as an enhancer for your beauty  and skin care.

However, it is a wonderful feature that you should try. Sometimes we have at our fingertips great remedies in very common and healthy ingredients.

We already know that potatoes are rich in vegetable starch, nutritious, and high in carbohydrates and vitamin C.

In recent years, the cosmetic benefits of potatoes have been used a lot, as a way to attend to our daily care in a much more natural and chemical-free way.

Therefore, we are sure that this theme will be useful and interesting to you. Learn more below:

1. Goodbye to dark circles

No doubt, on more than one occasion, you’ve used the classic cucumber slices to reduce facial inflammation and dark circles.

  • When it comes to favoring blood circulation in this sensitive area, all products rich in antioxidants and vitamin C will do us good.
  • The raw potato is sensational in these cases; as it stimulates circulation and reduces the dilation of very fine blood vessels concentrated in these areas.

Now we explain how to do this simple treatment.

what will you need

  • 2 inch thick slices of raw potato
  • 2 clean cloths
  • 1 punch

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How to make?

  • First, peel the raw potato and cut two pieces about an inch thick.
  • Soon after, crush them with the help of the punch.
  • Then place a portion of raw and mashed potatoes on each cloth.
  • Finally, apply on dark circles and let it act for 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Eliminate facial blemishes with raw potatoes

One of the raw potato’s best-known virtues is that it  reduces the impact or visibility of age-associated facial blemishes .

See how this treatment should be done.

What will you need?

  • The pulp of 1 small potato
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (10 ml)

How to make?

  • First, grate the raw potato pulp very finely.
  • Second, do the same with the cucumber.
  • Then, in a bowl, add the grated contents and include the tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • Afterwards, mix well.
  • Now, apply on the face with the help of a cotton, as if it were a mask.
  • Allow it to act for 15 or 20 minutes.
  • Finally, after the indicated time, wash with warm water.

3. To treat aging skin

Factors such as the impact of the sun on our skin, dryness, and lack of hydration are aspects that accelerate the aging of our face; however, it is possible to palliate them in a simple way.

Just  do a small facial massage with a slice of raw potato. 

What will you need?

  • 1 3 cm potato slice.

How to make?

  • Namely, it is necessary to carry out the treatment at night. 
  • First, wash your face thoroughly.
  • Then apply the slice of raw potato with a circular massage all over the face.
  • Finally, rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream. Very easy!

4. Eliminate acne and pimples

Raw potatoes are rich in vitamin C, potassium, copper and sulfur, ideal elements  for deep cleansing of the skin; as well as eliminating toxins and reducing the incidence of pimples.

Its effect is sensational and it is worth applying this simple treatment every night.

What do I need?

  • A 3 centimeter slice of potato.

How to make?

This treatment is the same as for aging skin, with the only difference that, instead of rinsing the skin after the facial massage, we will let it work all night long.

  • First, wash your face thoroughly to remove traces of oil or makeup.
  • Then apply the slice of raw potato making a circular massage all over the face.
  • Allow him to act for one night,  so that the next morning he performs his daily cleansing ritual.

5. Ideal for lightening the skin

Everyday tiredness, lack of sleep or simple stress erase the glow from our face and make us look older.

Thus,  the ideal is to drink a little more water, rest better, as well as eat foods with diuretic effects.

Also, follow this simple raw potato treatment.

What do I need?

  • The pulp of 1 small potato
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)

How to make?

  • First, grate the raw potato pulp very finely.
  • In a bowl, add the grated potato and combine it with a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Mix well.
  • Apply at night. Use a cotton pad to apply the product to your face as if it were a mask.
  • Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Finally, wash it off with warm water.

Excited to put these tips into practice?

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