3 Cleaning Tricks Using Cotton Balls

Although we generally relate cotton balls to body hygiene, the truth is that they can have many other useful uses in our home.
3 cleaning tricks using cotton balls 

Cotton balls can be used in many aspects of everyday life. On this occasion, we want to tell you how they can be transformed to become an important material for our cleansing.

Cotton balls are easy to get and many of us have them at home in case we suffer any injury . However, these balls can be used for so much more.

what is cotton 

Face cleaning with cotton

Cotton is a vegetable fiber obtained from a plant, and used mainly as a raw material in the manufacture of fabrics, clothing, garments and clothing.

The tree from which it is extracted comes from the Malvaceae family. As it develops, its cocoon creates a ball that, when hatched, reveals black or brown seeds, surrounded by white fibers. When fully ripened, these fibers are flattened and joined to a seed .

What are cotton balls 

The balls are made of 100% cotton fiber and are primarily used in medical procedures. They are created from a mechanical process that shapes the cotton into a ball , making it a soft product with great absorption properties.

It does not cause skin irritation, so it is used along with hydrogen peroxide or iodine to heal wounds, clean them, and apply topical ointments used to stop bleeding.

It is also used in surgical procedures, or to cover wounds before being bandaged with sterile gauze. It is also widely used to help us apply cosmetic products.

Among the different forms of commercialization we can find these cotton balls packed in paper bags, plastic bags, or blisters.

Uses of cotton balls for cleaning 

If you want to take advantage of those cotton balls you have in your bathroom cabinet, we’ll tell you what you can do with them to better clean your house, or use them as good cleaning techniques.

1. Help to perfume our home 

We can use them as air fresheners at home. For that, we’ll need some cotton balls soaked in eau de cologne, essential oils, or whatever scent you want. As it dries, the scent will emanate from this cotton. Without a doubt, it is a simple and very effective idea to bring a good smell to our home.

  • You can place it in any area of ​​the house, even creating packages and decorating the bathroom, kitchen or closets .

2. Leave a good smell in our refrigerator 

Sometimes our refrigerator or refrigerator can give off bad odors. So that this doesn’t happen we can be helped with these cotton balls. If you moisten a ball with vanilla extract you can avoid these odors, and your food is not at risk of spoiling.

It will work as a natural deodorant and, in addition, it will remain useful for a longer time, as it will remain moist for a longer time in the refrigerator.

3. They are good for fighting mold 

Try cleaning the refrigerator with cotton

Sometimes we find difficult spots where mold appears. This not only fouls the room, it also stinks.

Mold can appear on bathroom joints or in the wetter areas of the house. If you want to get rid of these spots, you can help yourself with some cotton balls.

  • Dip a few balls with bleach and place them where you want to remove that amount of mold. Leave them there until dry or for a few hours.
  • When you remove them, you’ll see that the vast majority of the mold will be gone . Finally, clean the surface with warm water.

Other uses of cotton balls 

Cotton is mainly used to make clothes , as the fiber can be easily manipulated and transformed into resistant threads, ready to generate these fabrics. In addition, this material is washable, absorbs moisture, and accepts any type of dye.

In addition to being used in a large number of textile products, cotton is also used to produce industrial items such as air conditioners, lifeboats, car tires, safety helmets or tents.

In conclusion, these are some simple techniques to take care of bad odors in our home. Cotton balls serve us much more than healing wounds or cleaning the face. Make a note, and practice these very useful and simple tips.


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