Lose Weight: 5 Juice Recipes That Can Help You

The effectiveness of these drinks to lose weight lies in the properties of their ingredients, which favor the body’s cleansing.
Lose Weight: 5 Juice Recipes That Can Help You

To lose weight, in addition to exercising and following a healthy and balanced diet, there are recipes that help prevent fluid retention and speed up metabolism. This makes losing weight much easier.

In this article, we’ll show you juices that you can make easily and in just a few minutes to reach your goal of losing weight while staying healthy.

Juice Recipes to Lose Weight

1. Cucumber juice with pineapple, celery, eggplant and radish

Cucumber juice to lose weight

It is a shake whose effectiveness is greatest if taken half an hour before breakfast. In this way, it will help your body to clean the digestive system.

Thus, everything you consume throughout the day will be digested more easily and without accumulating extra carbohydrates.


  • ½ pineapple slice
  • a thick cucumber slice
  • A celery stalk (6 cm)
  • A medium eggplant slice
  • ½ radish

Method of preparation

  • Thoroughly wash all ingredients and place them in a blender. If you like, you can add some water to make the process easier.
  • Beat well and drink fasting.

2. Orange, grapefruit and apple cider vinegar juice

Juice recipe to lose weight

A juice whose ingredients are orange, grapefruit and apple cider vinegar will be a perfect drink to act as a fat burner.

It is recommended to take this juice on an empty stomach and at night, which is when it is most effective.


  • One cup of orange juice (250 ml)
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (62 ml)
  • 1/2 cup of mint tea or some fresh mint leaves (125 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Mix all ingredients until you get a smooth drink.
  • The most practical thing is to drink a glass of this juice twice a day, at the indicated times.
  • One of the keys that mark the effectiveness of this recipe is to choose a good quality apple cider vinegar, since the effect of the juice resides in the process of fermentation of this substance.

3. Chia seed juice with lemon

Chia seed juice with lemon to slim down

It may be that for many people they are largely unknown, but the fact is that chia seeds are an excellent detoxifying food and great for cleansing the body. In addition, they are a natural antioxidant, capable of eliminating excess fat that we eat.

Lemon will make your body not absorb more fat than it should, making it ideal to be consumed in the morning. You can drink it cold or hot.


  • 1 spoon of chia seeds (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • ½ lemon juice

Method of preparation

  • To prepare this juice, just mix the water with the chia and lemon juice in a glass.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes so that the chia seeds hydrate.
  • The result will be a viscous mixture.

4. Ginger lemonade

Lemonade with ginger to lose weight

Ginger is a food that needs no introduction and offers multiple benefits. It is an ideal ingredient to boost the immune system and speed up metabolism, so that digestion becomes much faster.

Ginger lemonade will help you lose weight, especially if you combine it with aerobic exercise. An ideal drink to be consumed throughout the day, whenever you want.


  • 3 lemon juice
  • 1 liter of water
  • some grated ginger

Method of preparation

  • In a glass jar, pour the water and lemon juice.
  • Separately, grate some ginger and make tea with a cup of hot water.
  • Once the ginger tea has cooled, just add it to the pitcher with water and lemon juice.
  • It’s best not to sweeten it, but if you want, it’s best to use a little honey.

5. Water with lemon


Lemon water is a drink that will help you burn fat and is especially effective for losing weight if taken on an empty stomach.

It is an ideal drink to speed up metabolism and cleanse the body, as it is a diuretic and also helps to strengthen defenses. In addition, its antioxidants will help us to have more beautiful skin, thanks to its alkaline power.

It is recommended to drink it warm. This will enable you to increase your body heat, which helps to burn calories from the food you eat, a process known as thermogenesis. It also helps fight constipation, associated pain and inflammation.

For these juices to have the most effect, always try to buy fresh, organic ingredients .

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