Lymph Nodes: Find Out What Causes Inflammation

The nodes can become inflamed from many causes and are sensitive to any kind of change. On occasion, it may be that our immune system has not yet recovered from a previous illness.
Lymph Nodes: Find Out What Causes Inflammation

Inflammation of the lymph nodes, in many cases, is not so serious, especially if it is caused by infections.

However, it is always recommended to control the state of this area to rule out other diseases. If it gets inflamed, the best thing to do is to see a doctor.

These small bumps, which often appear on the neck when, for example, we catch a cold, are called lymph nodes.

They are essential for our body and act as filters for tissue fluid (lymph).

They have a shape similar to an almond, with little more than one centimeter, and form a kind of “bundle” in the regions of the neck, armpits, chest and abdomen.

If they get inflamed, what we should do is keep calm and remember that, in more than half of the cases, this inflammation is normal.

But, of course, that shouldn’t be a reason not to look for an accurate diagnosis from a doctor.

Next, we’ll explain the functions of the ganglia and what causes their inflammation.

What is the function of lymph nodes?

lymph nodes

We can say that the lymph nodes basically perform the following functions:

  • They filter the lymph of foreign substances, such as bacteria and cancer cells, and destroy them.
  • They produce white blood cells, such as lymphocytes and plasma cells, which are in charge of destroying harmful substances.
  • The lymphatic system is structured similarly to blood vessels.
  • They defend our immune system.
  • Lymph nodes come in different shapes and sizes. For example, under the jaw, they are flat, bean-shaped and about 1 cm long. The nape ganglia are about 0.5 cm and lentil-shaped. Finally, the groin ones are wide and a little more than 1.5 centimeters.

What Causes Lymph Node Inflammation?

They can become inflamed from any number of causes. As their main function is to protect our immune system, they are sensitive to any changes in that system.

Its inflammation may be due to unimportant causes or have more serious origins, such as cancer.

But, let’s take a closer look at the possible causes of this inflammation:

  • Normal infections due to colds, flu or tonsillitis.
  • Specific bacterial infections: syphilis, tuberculosis, salmonellosis.
  • Lupus infection.
  • Viral infections such as rubella and measles.
  • Infections with other pathogens, such as malaria or leishmaniasis.
  • Rheumatic diseases.
  • Medicines such as perchlorate, cotrimoxazole, hydantoin.
  • Stress, bad sleep, poor diet, lack of nutrients.
  • Lymphomas, tumors that are largely treatable, such as benign (non-cancerous) neoplasms. However, we must consider that the risk of developing so-called malignant lymphomas exists and that the symptoms and changes we experience should be evaluated by a doctor.


lymph nodes

By consulting a doctor, we will have the proper diagnosis and treatment.

However, the doctor must always consider several factors. So you will probably ask the following questions:

  • Have you had a cold or flu?
  • In which region did the ganglion become inflamed? Neck, armpit, collarbone?
  • When did you notice? Did it appear fast or did it grow slowly?
  • Do you feel pain at the site?
  • Did you have illnesses prior to the onset of inflammation?
  • Are you taking any medication?
  • Have you traveled recently?
  • Have you lost a lot of weight recently?

All of this will allow the doctor to detect the problem, since most of the time inflammation in the ganglia arises from previous illnesses.

That is, when our immune system is still not fully recovered.

In some cases, they arise due to some medication or some bacteria. But with our help and the relevant tests, the doctor will be able to explain the cause of the inflammation.

Data that must be considered

Most lymph node infections occur in the neck, and their origin is almost always related to infections in the throat or mouth.

This type of inflammation is not that dangerous. However, it is necessary to control so that it does not develop, becoming bigger.

Generally, when it exceeds 4 cm, it is necessary to perform a biopsy to know what exactly it is and how serious it is.

Also remember that, just as inflammation in the nodes of the neck is usually harmless, when it occurs in those located in the collarbone, regardless of their size, they are always considered dangerous.

Thus, it is essential to treat them quickly, as they can develop cancerous processes.

How to prevent problems and take care of lymph nodes?

lymph nodes

One of the keys to preventing, as far as possible, inflammation of the lymph nodes is, without a doubt, strengthening our immune system.

For this, it is important to consume foods rich in:

Vitamin C

This vitamin is essential for the immune system as it fights infections caused by viruses and protects our cells, etc.

It is found in citrus fruits such as kiwi fruit, strawberries, mangoes, tomatoes, etc.

Vitamin E

This vitamin increases the production of white blood cells, protecting us from certain types of cancer and bacteria.

It is found in most fruits and vegetables, in addition to dried fruits, such as walnuts, pistachios, almonds, etc.

beta carotene

They have antioxidants, fight free radicals and strengthen the immune system.

Beta-carotene can be found in carrots, corn, watermelon, kale, beetroot, pumpkin, asparagus, apricot, and so on.

selenium and zinc

These nutrients help us produce more cells, providing the immune system with more energy.

And where do we find selenium and zinc? Simple: in whole grains, nuts and the vast majority of nuts, seafood, soy, etc.

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