Is It Possible To Burn Calories By Drinking Cold Water?

We all agree that it’s important to stay well hydrated during and after exercise. However, opinions vary on the temperature at which the water should be.
Is it possible to burn calories by drinking ice water?

You may have heard that it is possible to burn calories by drinking ice water.

Anyway, in this article we’ll present what’s real about it, as well as some curiosities about ice water and its role in sports practice. Keep reading!

Burn calories by drinking ice water

Burning Calories Drinking Ice Water: Myth or Truth?

The Oxford Sports Medicine Handbook tells us that by drinking a glass of cold water, we would be burning approximately 4 to 7 calories. So this represents almost nothing.

Drinking enough water is necessary for the body. Therefore, if we want to lose weight, hydration will be very important. According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , this is because water consumption contributes to speeding up metabolism by up to 30%. However, the fact of being cold is unrelated.

In addition, there can also be significant weight loss when caloric drinks are replaced with water. Forgoing soda and replacing it with water can save approximately 330 calories a day.

Drinking water as a method to control food intake

Another healthy option would be to drink water before meals , no matter if it is cold or at room temperature. But, as we said before, this is not because we are burning calories by drinking ice water, but because that way we will be full before the meal and not eat as much.

Drinking water as a method to control food intake

A large glass of water helps you not to pinch at any time of day. In fact, studies suggest that people who drink a glass of water half an hour before eating tend to lose more weight than those who don’t drink.

In short

If we have any doubts about the correct hydration of our body during exercise, it is always advisable to consult an expert

We all agree that it’s important to stay well hydrated during and after exercise. However, opinions vary on the temperature at which the water should be. What is clear is that dehydration can lead to a decreased level of performance and an increased sense of exertion.

In short, the best solution may be to limit yourself to drinking warm or cool water, which can help us maintain adequate hydration before, during, and after exercise. However, as we’ve seen, the idea of ​​burning calories by drinking ice water is quite uncertain.

In any case, if we have any doubts about the correct hydration of our body during exercise, it is always advisable to consult a specialist.

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