Easy Recipe For Making Truffle Cake

Chocolate truffle is a delicacy widely used in confectionery for making truffle cake and other delicious recipes.
Easy recipe to prepare truffle cake

Chocolate truffle is a delicacy widely used in confectionery for making truffle cake and other recipes. It’s a candy made from chocolate and butter.  The truffle can be consumed in several ways and its preparation differs according to the place where it is made. The traditional truffle comes from Belgium, where they are called  ganache .

The truffle is so named because the shape and texture is quite similar to the mushroom of the same name. It’s important that you don’t get confused, one thing is the fungus and another is the chocolate truffle.

In general, truffles can be found in our favorite bakery and are very popular. In this article, we bring you an easy recipe to prepare a delicious truffle cake. First, let’s review the benefits of eating chocolate truffles and their nutritional value.

Health benefits of truffles

Chocolate truffles

Truffle is a very good food because it is made with a chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa. Hence the nutritional advantages of this sweet.

Of course, take into account that a truffle has enough calories available in the form of carbohydrates. However, truffles are rich in phosphorus and magnesium. They are also a source of calcium and vitamin A. Very common in this type of dessert is the low amount of fiber and protein.

A study at Wayne State University in Detroit a few years ago showed that  consuming dark chocolate actually produces more mitochondria, an effect similar to exercise. 

In other words, eating dark chocolate has the same effect as exercise. Now, let’s prepare the recipe for our delicious truffle cake.

Ingredients to prepare truffle cake

Chocolate truffles

Let’s say it’s your birthday or you have a meeting and decide to bake a big cake. Let’s make a cake that makes about 20 servings.

Prepare your desktop and you’ll see how incredibly easy it is to prepare this dessert. For this you  will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 g of semisweet chocolate (2 cups).
  • 150 g of butter (1 cup).
  • 50 grams of chocolate (70% cocoa).
  • 480 g of eggs (8 medium units).
  • 80 g of sugar (1/2 cup).
  • 2 g (1/4 tablespoon) of cream of tartar*.
  • Icing sugar (to taste).

*Cream of tartar may seem strange to you unless you are an expert in baking. If we say that “cream of tartar” is the common name for the compound “potassium bitartrate”, it probably doesn’t help to clarify the doubt. The truth is that the product can be purchased at any specialized bakery. If you can’t find it, you can replace it with the same amount of vinegar or lemon juice.

How to prepare the truffle cake: step by step

Stuffed cake

Now let’s put on our chef’s hat  and prepare our delicious cake. These are the simple steps you should follow.

  1. Preheat oven to 180 ºC.
  2. While the oven is preheating, use aluminum foil to cover the cake mold. Butter and sprinkle with flour.
  3. Place the semisweet chocolate and butter in a small saucepan and melt them over low heat. Here we are preparing the chocolate truffle.
  4. Transfer this mixture to a larger container.
  5. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the egg yolks in another bowl for about 8 minutes and add to the chocolate and butter mixture.
  6. Beat the egg whites together with the cream of tartar to reach the snow point.
  7. Little by little, pour the egg whites into the chocolate mixture, mixing very well.
  8. We already have our mix. Now, pour this mixture into the mold you prepared in step 2. Bake this mixture for 30 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven after 30 minutes. Don’t worry if the cake looks a little runny; it will harden while cooling for several hours.
  10. Refrigerate the cake for at least 24 consecutive hours.
  11. To separate the cake from the mold, dip a knife in hot water and then run it around the edges of the pan to loosen the cake.
  12. Decorate your cake with icing sugar.

As you can see, this recipe is very easy to prepare and you will see that everything will be delicious for your special gathering.  The hardest part will be having to wait 24 hours to enjoy this delight.

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