Effective Remedies For Joint Pain

In addition to applying heat or cold to relieve joint pain, our diet can also help us to improve the situation. Also pay attention to foods that should be avoided.

Joint pain can have many causes, from heavy work to sudden movement, poor diet or the presence of diseases such as arthritis.

Inadequate exercise practice and age are also some of the most important causes.

In this article, we aim to share prescriptions for effective remedies for this intense pain that usually doesn’t allow us to maintain our daily activities normally.

It should be noted that these treatments are for mild or sporadic pain, not for chronic or severe pathologies, such as arthritis or arthrosis.

If, for example, you spend a whole day lifting weights, fall on the street or write a lot and your joints start to hurt, don’t waste your time, try these recipes, as they are ideal for these situations.

Otherwise, consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you a more timely and effective treatment.

It is true that, with these homemade recipes, it will be possible to improve light conditions, relieve pain and help with the work of “traditional” remedies.

Natural Recipes for Joint Pain

  • Applying heat: this is one of the most effective “remedies” when it comes to fighting joint pain. It is possible to use a thermal pad, a hot water bag, or a poultice on the area that hurts. Some people choose to dip their feet or hands, for example, in warm water with relaxing salts.
  • Cold application: in this case, we should make this type of compress when the joints are inflamed. For this case, previous treatment is not advisable. Use ice packs or any food that is frozen. Don’t forget to cover it with a cloth or towel before applying it to the skin so it doesn’t burn.
the joint pains

  • Eat fresh pineapple: this is one of the foods that can help reduce joint pain. This is because it contains an enzyme, bromelain, which is able to reduce inflammation. Pineapple must be fresh, never canned, otherwise it loses its properties. It should be eaten raw, neither cooked nor boiled, as it also loses its beneficial properties.
  • Consume flaxseed: Flaxseed is a very effective remedy for joint pain. Flax (or linseed) provides a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to health.
  • Take an infusion of nettle: this plant has a stinging substance that works as a natural protection, being effective in reducing discomfort in the joints. In addition to drinking a nettle tea (boiling a little of the plant), it is possible to apply it externally or topically, exactly in the area that hurts, like a poultice, so that its juice helps in recovery.

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  • Drink cranberry juice: this juice will be helpful in relieving pain due to its wonderful natural anti-inflammatory properties. The fruit has been used since ancient times to treat all types of inflammation.

  • Try ginger tea: it is very effective if consumed daily, as like blackberries, ginger is anti-inflammatory by nature, as well as a potent analgesic and blood circulation balancer. Make tea with a small slice of ginger for every cup of hot water. If you like, add lemon or honey.
  • Take an infusion of turmeric: preferably with warm water. This yellow colored spice has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine to treat mild pain and inflammation. To prepare the infusion, mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a cup of warm water. Drink three times a day to control the pain.
  • Consume apple cider vinegar: it contains a lot of minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium), which are helpful in keeping your joints healthy. Daily, drink three teaspoons of this vinegar in a glass of water before each meal. It will also be helpful in helping your body to better absorb nutrients from food.
  • Apply apple cider vinegar: in addition to its “mineralizing” powers, apple cider vinegar can be used externally. Just heat a cup of apple cider vinegar and apply it to the painful areas. It is also possible to heat 6 cups of water to a cup of vinegar and soak your joints in a container containing this solution, as the heat will help improve the condition.

Fruits to relieve joint pain


In addition to the remedies mentioned above, it has been proven that fruits are excellent allies when treating joint pain, especially when there is inflammation.

Among the most effective fruits we can mention the tomato, due to its high antioxidant content, but mainly due to its lycopene content.

It is advisable to add it to our daily diet, especially when we experience pain of this type.

Another natural anti-inflammatory is blueberry. This wonderful and delicious fruit can be consumed in many ways: in juices, salads, for breakfast, with oatmeal, yogurt or simply alone, in smoothies, desserts, etc.

It has a low calorie content, lots of antioxidants and vitamin C.

In the list of the best foods to treat joint pain we can also include cherry, plum, raspberry, peach and apple.

If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that what these fruits have in common is the color red.

And what does it mean? That they contain similar compounds that help reduce the anti-inflammatory substances that cause pain.


Keeping the natural diet, which is recommended to treat joint pain, we should not forget about certain vegetables that can be of great help.

Those with the greatest amount of antioxidants are: onions, kale, spinach, asparagus, beets, peppers and pumpkin.

Avoid foods that can make the condition worse. Some of them are: noodles, white bread, refined flours, soy, dairy products, products with gluten and processed foods or foods with many chemical additives.

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