The Best And Worst Foods For Digestion

If you suffer from gastric reflux, it is important to avoid caffeine and spicy foods. However, these foods can be favorable for people suffering from constipation.
The best and worst foods for digestion

Digestion is important in breaking down food so it can be absorbed by the cells for our body’s food and energy.

If food does not break down, it is retained in the body in various forms, which can cause severe weight gain.

That’s why, below, we will indicate which are the best and worst foods for the digestive process.

The best foods for digestion:

Fruits and vegetables

fruits for digestion
It is recommended to maintain a good daily diet based on fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are excellent for digestion because most are high in fiber. The fibers contained in these products benefit the regulation of bowel movements.

Whole grains

Whole grains, like cereals, have a lot of fiber

Whole foods, such as rice and wheat, also contain a lot of fiber, so they are another group of top-quality foods for good digestion.


fresh bananas
The ideal is to consume a banana a day.

While all fruits and vegetables are generally good for digestion, bananas in particular are ideal because they don’t irritate the stomach.


Mineral water against mountain landscape
Eight glasses of water a day, that’s the ideal amount recommended.

Water is excellent for digestion, although people generally don’t drink enough water. Water helps in the digestive process as it helps transport food through the intestine.


sliced ​​ginger root
Ginger has countless health benefits!

Spices and herbs such as ginger, turmeric and mint are excellent for stomach upset. So, when suffering from this condition, have a ginger or mint tea, or suck on a mint.

Foods that have probiotics and prebiotics

common bulb onions
Onion has a lot of prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics are good compounds for the digestive system, as they contain good bacteria, which eliminate the effects of bad bacteria that sometimes settle in our intestines.

Some examples of foods that have them are yogurt, asparagus, lentils and whole grains, among others.

The worst foods:

spicy food

Parentheses with guindillas

Spicy foods can be bad for digestion as they can trigger gastric reflux symptoms in some people.

the caffeine

Coffee beans in scoop

Like spicy foods, those containing caffeine can also trigger gastric reflux.

Coffee is a potent product that works to activate peristalsis (involuntary bowel movement). But because it has caffeine, it means it can cause reflux.

However, it can be of great help in constipation cases.

Soft drinks

Like spicy foods and caffeine, certain acidic soft drinks can also trigger gastric reflux.

Foods High in Saturated Fats

Fatty foods can cause stomach burning and diarrhea, as fat is poorly absorbed in our body.

The alcohol

Alcohol also relaxes the esophageal sphincter, which can cause reflux. Also, it can induce inflammation in the stomach.


Lactose can induce swelling, as well as abdominal discomfort, especially in people who have an intolerance to the product.

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