3 Sentences To Regain Your Self-love In Just 3 Minutes

Don’t let them confuse you, because self-love is not the same thing as selfishness. You are just looking out for your well-being, and those who care for you will understand that.
3 sentences to regain your self-love in just 3 minutes

We have to admit: sometimes we leave our self-love in other people’s pockets, amid carelessness and a low self-esteem that makes us forget what we are worth and deserve.

It is true that this psychological dimension has its roots in childhood and in all the previous experiences that determined part of our personality.

However, we have to understand that, with regard to self-love, it is recommended to take care of it daily and invest in it constantly, without ever forgetting it.

Nor is it about “inflating” it to the extreme in which the person presents narcissistic behavior or the most extreme selfishness; no way.

It is about being skillful, wise and intuitive to know our limits, rights and, in turn, those of others.

Visualize your self-love as a delicate crystal gem. Understand that the more sparkle you give this jewelry, the more beautiful it will look and the more inspiration it will have.

However, there are two aspects that need to be taken care of: don’t give it to anyone and don’t let them break it.

Below we will offer 3 sentences to give you, day after day, the strength you need. And, like an injection of energy that, in just 3 minutes, will remind you where your north is, where your self-esteem is.

1. “Allowing myself what I deserve is not selfishness, it’s protecting my self-love”

female self love

Something that is very curious in our daily lives is the phrase: “You must love yourself more, otherwise no one will respect you”.

However, when we finally start to look a little more for ourselves, something happens: there’s no shortage of people telling us that we’ve changed, that we’ve become selfish, for example.

We must understand between  self-love and selfishness there is a scale that the mature and balanced person will not surpass.

This self-esteem that we sometimes overlook is an aspect that is not well regarded socially.

Saying at a given moment “No, I don’t want to be with you because I need to spend the afternoon alone, walking and thinking about my things” can be strange for many, something lacking in courtesy and even a lack of respect.

However, allowing yourself what you deserve and need at any given time will never be selfish.

Besides, anyone who doesn’t understand it this way is not a good friend. That’s because the best friendships are those capable of empathizing, understanding us and respecting our decisions.

2. “I must impose limits to protect my dignity, my identity, my precious personal essence”

Women dancing and feeling self-love

Anyone who walks around the world without having a protective barrier, a filter and a wall in front of what is bad, what hurts, what disintegrates self-esteem, makes room for everything that life and destiny want to offer, both good and bad.

So what if we become a little more selective? What if we decide to be wiser and just stick with what’s good?

Doing this is not an act of selfishness either. In fact, it’s a fabulous step towards proper mental and emotional health, leading to well-being that will directly revert to your physical balance.

Do not hesitate to put barriers and bars in front of those who want to bring you discomfort, blackmail, manipulations…

Thus, gaining quality of life can be very easy if we start imposing limits.

3. “My self-love comes at a very high price and doesn’t allow for promotions”

Woman working on her self-love

First of all, self-love is more than a sense of self-protection, of knowing how to impose a boundary between mine and yours, of protecting the precious stone we talked about in the beginning.

In this way, self-love is our dignity. It is the inviolable and distinctive essence that shapes who we are, how we perceive ourselves and the strength in us to face difficulties, achieve what we dream and create a reality according to our personality.

It’s not easy to get all this. Therefore, we must also understand that self-love is always in continuous growth. Sometimes it weakens, gets sick, or is stolen from us.

Sometimes we forget to feed it, as this dimension needs freshness, news, new knowledge, new friendships, perspectives and experiences.

Understand, therefore, that your self-love comes at a very high price. Don’t offer it to anyone; it is yours and it also serves to give others what you offer yourself: respect, affection, a wise coexistence and harmony.

Main image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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