4 Scrubs With Essential Oils To Smooth The Skin

Depending on your skin type and the benefits you want to obtain, you should opt for one ingredient or another to take advantage of all its properties.
4 scrubs with essential oils to smooth the skin

Taking advantage of the benefits of body scrubs will help you avoid or reduce imperfections such as pimples, blackheads and fine lines. This time, we chose some of the best scrubs with essential oils.

We know that common soaps do not clean the skin in its deepest layers. Natural oils will allow you to enjoy the best properties of plants and fruits quickly and directly.

You will see that all oils are mixed with granular elements. These aim to remove dead cells more easily to leave the skin completely clean.

Try all body scrubs with essential oils and choose your favorite!

1. Sugar, green tea and peppermint essential oil scrub

Sugar scrub to smooth the skin

This scrub is ideal for treating skin that is exposed to too much sun or that is irritated by an infection.

Peppermint oil combats the effects of sunburn. In turn, green tea helps to detoxify the skin while sugar removes impurities from the deepest layers of the skin without causing any harm.


  • 1 cup brown sugar (225 g)
  • ¼ cup of green tea (62 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon peppermint essential oil (15 g)


  • Mix the three ingredients thoroughly.
  • With clean, moist skin, apply the scrub and massage up and down.
  • Remove scrub with warm water.

This scrub is ideal for those who have problems with skin redness, wounds or sunburn.

2. Juniper essential oil with coffee

If you’re a coffee lover, every day you have a fair amount of ground coffee that goes to waste or that you use as fertilizer for your plants.

Now, we propose that you give these coffee wastes a new use. In this scrub, you will also enjoy the properties of juniper oil. Among these are:

  • Elimination of red areas caused by circulation problems
  • Removal of toxins to promote sweating
  • Heals superficial wounds quickly
  • Fight eczema


  • 3 tablespoons of leftover coffee powder (30 g)
  • ½ tablespoon of juniper essential oil (7 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients together and do a circular massage on clean, damp skin.
  • Take a shower or wash off the scrub with warm water.

Try this scrub if you want to prevent or delay the appearance of wrinkles and blackheads.

3. Epsom salts, almond oil and green tea

Epsom salts to exfoliate the skin

The advantage of this exfoliant is that it will be practically free. You probably have some Epsom salts that you don’t use, and the other two ingredients are usually available in your kitchen.

  • Almond essential oil is one of the most skin-friendly products. It not only nourishes, but also makes you firmer.
  • Green tea is rich in antioxidants, so it will always look radiant and youthful.
  • Epsom salts are an ingredient that removes impurities in a very gentle way.


  • ½ cup of Epsom salts (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of almond essential oil (15 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of green tea (10 ml)


  • Mix all the ingredients.
  • Apply after bathing, on damp and clean skin.
  • Give a gentle circular massage with the scrub.
  • Rinse and apply your usual body cream.

This exfoliant is recommended to fight sagging, dry skin and the signs of aging.

4. Jojoba and sugar exfoliating oil

Between the sweetness of sugar and the incredible aroma of jojoba oil, you’ll find an option that will quickly become your favorite among essential oil scrubs.

The mixture of these two ingredients removes dirt, toxins and dead cells to make room for smooth, smooth skin.


  • 1 cup of sugar (200 g)
  • ½ cup of jojoba essential oil (100 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients together and use them after showering when your skin is still wet.
  • Remove with warm water.

You should try this scrub if acne is causing problems.

Recommendations for your scrubs with essential oils to be of quality

Exfoliating with essential oils to smooth the skin

To ensure that your scrubs really do the job, you must ensure that the ingredients’ properties are maintained.

This is simple if you follow these steps:

  • Buy quality products. Nowadays it is very easy to obtain essential oils, but they are not always pure. It is best to go to a well-known health food store.
  • Store your scrubs in glass jars. If you have a little scrub or if you want to share it with someone, always try to keep it in glass jars. Glass jars keep the ingredients’ properties longer.

Did you like these scrubs with essential oils? Choose the one that catches your eye and try it out!

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