What Can The Color Of Our Eyes Indicate About Our Health?

According to iridology, the color of our eyes can indicate what our weaknesses are and what illnesses or complications we may develop.
What can the color of our eyes indicate about our health?

Iridology is the science that studies the iris of the eyes, from which we can determine a predisposition to suffer certain health problems depending on the color of the eyes.

The iridologists are the therapists in charge of carrying out a thorough examination of all the signs that the eyes give us. So, from its color, we can know some things to confirm suspicions or to warn us about problems or details that may surprise us.

According to iridology, the color of the iris determines from our birth to a predisposition to a state of health that, in the future, will depend on how we care for and feed ourselves, for example.

In other words, what the iris says is not definitive, it is a clue for us to take better care of our health.

Therefore, if we suffer from any health problem or have doubts about it, one option is to consult an iridologist beforehand, for an initial diagnosis.

In this article, we’ll explain the generic characteristics for each eye color, which fall into three categories:

blue and gray eyes

People with blue or gray iris may have a soft spot in their throat, nose, and ear. This predisposes them to catarrh, in addition to respiratory problems, irritation of the digestive mucosa and kidney and joint problems.

When the iris has many whitish lines, it also shows a sign of nervous system disturbance. Therefore, there is an indication of a predisposition to nervousness, anxiety, muscle spasms and the sum of these states culminating in physical problems.

In this case, a good option is to look for natural alternatives, such as medicinal plants that help you relax, such as Bach flowers or homeopathy, in addition to exercising frequently.

Blue eye analyzed by Iridology

brown and dark eyes

This shade ranges from light brown or reddish brown to dark brown, almost black.

In general, iridology says that people with iris that have this coloration are predisposed to suffer imbalances related to blood and the metabolism of minerals such as calcium, iron or iodine. Therefore, they are people who must take care of the circulatory system and especially the liver, bone marrow and spleen.

Over time, these people can also develop a tendency to obesity, thyroid problems, and endocrine changes. Therefore, in this case, it is ideal to pay proper attention to the treatment and prevention of liver-related problems.

They may be people who during their youth do not usually have health problems, but from 25 to 30 years of age, they may start to detect a problem in their exams: cholesterol, anemia, etc.

This eye color can help us take better care of our health from an early age; watching our diet early to decrease the possibility of developing such health problems.

In addition, it is also recommended to exercise regularly to keep the circulatory system balanced, in addition to taking specific supplements.

On the other hand, people with lighter eyes, hazel color, have a predisposition to digestive and respiratory problems.  Therefore, they need to help the body eliminate toxins with regular cleansing and a good diet.

Brown eyes have a specific meaning according to Iridology

green and mixed eyes

This category encompasses all colors that are in the middle gamut of the previous categories. In addition, it includes all irises that mix colors, usually greens and browns, but also pure greens.

For this, observe whether they are lighter or darker, and consider more the predisposition of the first or second category.

Iridology can interpret the characteristics of green eyes

Proof of Iridology

A good way to see how reliable this diagnosis can be is to compare  the predispositions we have with our immediate family members who have eyes the same color as ours.

Even if, as we said at the beginning, we develop or not certain diseases, it will depend mainly on how we take care of our health.

Over time, we can also observe changes in the color of the eyes, which usually tend to darken, mainly because the organism is also intoxicated and “dirty”.

Anyway, this is a guide that can be very curious and useful. If you want to know more about it, consult a professional, who will provide information in a more punctual and accurate way.

Images provided by neuroticcàmel, Jenn Durfey and starbooze.

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