Courage Is Saying “yes” Without Fear And “no” Without Guilt

If we don’t take care of ourselves, no one will. Therefore, we must express our opinion without fear and dare to say what bothers us at all times.

Living courageously, without fear of being judged or rejected  at some point, is not something we can achieve overnight.

We fear being taxed by our thoughts, driven away by our way of being and even by the options we choose.

This conduct is not appropriate. Something we must never forget is that  there is no fear worse than what we create in our own heads, with our limiting attitudes, insecurities, frustrations and obsessions.

Letting go of all this is like peeling off an uncomfortable, decaying, old snakeskin. Emerging from fear to courage, without a doubt, is the best step you can take for existence.

Because, believe it or not, there always comes a time when we finally do. We say “YES” without fear and “NO” without guilt.

Next, we invite you to reflect on this, to put into practice courage and this kind of personal growth based on the congruence between what we feel and what we do.

Keys to living fearlessly and with courage

We all live subject to different belief and value systems. Our home and family, for example, are often the first circle that limits many of our personal wants and needs:

  • We are afraid to say or do such a thing for fear of possible reactions.
  • We are afraid of frustrating our parents by choosing a particular path.
  • We feel a certain uneasiness when we don’t live up to the expectations that others have of us.

As such, these are all simple examples that many have experienced at some point. These are more or less understandable situations, which should never reach this limit.

Now, we propose to write down these simple keys to start living without fear, to be more assertive, more complete with our own inner voice.

Saying “yes” when what I want is to say “no”

Why do we do this? Someone asks if you’d like to help around the house next weekend, or do a project at work, or go on an excursion with some friends you don’t like and you, even if you don’t want to, say yes.

  • Sometimes we answer in the affirmative because of the attachment we have to certain people.
  • Even more, we are afraid of offending those we love, afraid of hurting them by giving a negative answer.
  • It is also  common to give affirmative answers when we want to feel integrated  within a group.
  • Saying yes at work or yes to friends allows you to bond and not feel rejected.
  • However, this type of conduct practiced every day leads to a clear lack of protection.
  • We stop being ourselves. A daily “yes” makes others always see us as solicitous and without our own needs to satisfy.

Believe it or not,  a denial from time to time allows you to maintain a proper balance.

Taking the step: saying “no” without feeling guilty

We’ll start by doing a little visualization exercise to discover the great benefit of saying no.

Put the time machine in motion and go back to that moment in life when you acted against your own desires.

Below, we’ll give you an example to understand why it’s appropriate to say “no” without guilt:

  • Visualize that day when you said “yes” to a favor someone asked for.

Imagine yourself saying “no” with confidence, as you argue the reason for your decision : I say no because your interest is selfish, because you don’t treat me well, because you only work for your own benefit, etc.

  • Visualize one of so many times when your partner asked you if you minded doing something for him, and you said no, you didn’t mind.

Now imagine yourself being more congruent and answering that you don’t take well the fact that you are the one who carries the greatest burdens and obligations. Arguing that being a couple is to form a team and respect.

The need to say “yes” without fear

Saying yes when you want and need to is a way to validate yourself.  Each statement that comes directly from your heart and personality helps you define yourself in front of others so that they can get to know you better.

  • I will say “yes” to my dreams and goals without fear.
  • I understand that saying “yes” without fear may be displeasing to many.
  • Now, whoever accepts me as I am, with all my thoughts, desires and desires, respects me and wants me in an integral and authentic way.

From today I will start saying “yes” without fear and “no” without guilt. To thus  maintain a proper balance in life.

Because we live in harmony when we respect each other the way we really are.

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