Make Your Own Depilatory Wax At Home

Among the multiple benefits of sugar wax we find that, as it is a natural product, it does not produce allergic reactions or irritate the skin. In addition, it provides an extra softness.
Make your own depilatory wax at home

Nowadays there are many hair removal methods that free us from those uncomfortable hairs that grow in certain areas of our body and that are not well looked upon aesthetically. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about making your own depilatory wax at home.

Depilatory creams, waxing with wax, razor blades, laser hair removal and many other alternatives have become very popular in terms of removing the hair that bothers us so much.

However, these methods tend to be very expensive and sometimes irritating, so many look for a different option for shaving.

Depilatory wax with sugar

Sugar hair removal is a very famous technique that has become very popular in recent years, as it is one of the best alternatives to get a perfect hair removal.

This technique has been used since ancient times in the Middle East and over the years it has become very famous throughout the world.


One of the main reasons why sugar wax has become quite popular is because it uses natural ingredients without additives, which not only help us eliminate hair, but also promote the health of the skin.

But in addition, those who have tested the technique ensure that they feel less pain than with other hair removal methods. Added to this, it is also a very economical method.

How to prepare sugar depilatory wax at home?

Refined sugar

Preparing sugar depilatory wax at home is quite simple, and best of all, it takes very little time.

With the resulting wax we can shave the legs, armpits, eyebrows and even the groin, which must be shaved very carefully precisely because it is so delicate.


  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 3 scoops of lemon juice
  • 3 scoops of water

Method of preparation

The preparation of sugar depilatory wax is very similar to the preparation of sugar syrup for some desserts, with the difference that it should be denser.

Put the ingredients in a pan and put over medium heat until it starts to boil, stirring constantly.

As soon as it starts to boil, lower the heat and leave for a few minutes until the paste has the desired texture.

To find out if the wax is ready, you can look at its color; it will be perfect when it is slightly golden and not dark. It is possible for the sugar to burn if we miss the point.

When you are sure the paste is ready, let it sit in a cool place at a temperature not too low, as it can harden quickly.

When you look at the folder and it is sticky, it will be ready to use.

How to apply sugar wax?


Before applying depilatory wax, it is very important to clean the area to be waxed so that it is better fixed on the skin.

It is also good to apply a little almond oil on your hand in order not to stick too much wax on it.

When ready, apply the wax in the direction of hair growth, press the strip and pull in the opposite direction to pull out the hair.

As a result, you will have smooth, smooth, hair-free skin. The more you practice the method, the better results you will get.

What are the advantages of making your own depilatory wax?

Even though beeswax hair removal is a very famous and effective procedure, this type of hair removal offers us some advantages that beeswax does not.

  • Since it is applied at room temperature, there is no risk of burning the skin.
  • It does not produce allergic skin reactions or irritations.
  • Reduces the risk of developing ingrown hair.
  • It is especially recommended for women with dry skin, as it provides extra softness.
  • It does not adhere to the skin completely and is very easy to remove with water.
  • We have most of the ingredients at home and they are very economical.
  • It does not use chemicals or compounds that cause skin irritation or unfavorable reactions.

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