How To Tone And Increase The Glutes?

With a healthy, balanced diet and physical activity we can shape our bodies and eliminate extra fat. There are also specific exercises to strengthen the glutes.
How to tone and increase the glutes?

The glutes are one of the most proud or complex parts of the body in women. On the other hand, men manifest that it is the region in which they first settle and value the most. How about knowing how you can tone and increase your glutes?

To make this possible, we will give some tips. Diet, exercise, drinking a lot of water and walking a lot are the recipes for success. One, two, three, let’s get started.

In this article, we’ll focus on toning and increasing your glutes. Many women have the privilege of being born with perfect buttocks, others choose the more expensive route and undergo cosmetic surgery.

And still others apply the ideas we’ll give below to achieve the same purpose. Thus, we will be able to count on several options or recommendations to keep our glutes toned. 

Tips to help tone your glutes

correct food

There are many claims that “we are what we eat” and our glutes are no exception. On the contrary, fat often accumulates in this region; something that, on the other hand, we don’t like very much.

There are tempting foods such as sweets, chips and snacks. Unfortunately, however, all these delicious calories give us volume in unwanted regions.

If we want to improve the appearance of our glutes, we must follow a healthy diet: rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plenty of water. We shouldn’t overindulge in foods rich in saturated fat, calories, sweets and salt.

Therefore, following a proper diet will not only contribute to a more beautiful body image. But it will also  help us to have great health.

It is worth remembering that it is recommended to have several small meals a day rather than having a few, but abundant ones. It is also recommended to eat small snacks every 3 hours between main meals.

For that, we can choose a yogurt, a handful of oilseeds, a fruit, low-calorie energy bars or other options.

Do exercises

Let’s face it, it’s not that hard to get better, stronger buttocks considering what was said earlier: If you eat well and exercise, you’ll be able to achieve this goal.

It’s no miracle, we just have to let go of laziness and dedicate at least an hour a day to physical activity.

Any physical activity serves to burn calories and shape the body, but there are specific exercises that work specifically on the glutes.

Exercises to tone and increase the glutes

To effectively tone and enlarge the glutes, the perfect formula is to perform physical exercises, specifically focused on the hips and glutes.

Next, we’ll talk about some of the exercises you can do to increase the volume of your glutes, in addition to strengthening the muscles in the region.

Squats to tone and increase the glutes

All women should practice this exercise,  as it helps to shape the hips, it also tightens the thighs, lifts and tones our glutes.

Start by standing with both legs shoulder-width apart, then slowly lower your hips, so your torso is not leaning. The knees must be behind the tips of the toes, ie, they must not come forward.

We must bring the glutes back, while keeping the body in alignment. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.


Alternate leg squats

Start by stopping with your legs apart at hip height. Then take a step forward and slowly lower your body, bending both knees.

Try to stay in a 90º flexion, and the knee of the leg that is in front at the same height as the ankle.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps and then repeat with the other leg in front.


The bridge”

Lie on your stomach, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Raise your back a little, pushing with your buttocks. These must be well contracted. The back of the thighs and the abdomen as well.

Form a diagonal line between your knees and shoulders. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.


bridge variation

There is an exercise that is the bridge variation. For this exercise, it is recommended that you lie down on a mat on your stomach. Raise your hips, doing the same posture as before.

Keep the buttocks, thighs and abdomen contracting. Only this time, you will raise one leg and lower it.

Then inhale raising and exhale lowering, and alternate legs. This exercise is a little more complex, but it will strengthen your set of muscles: abdomen, thighs, and glutes, as well as work on stretching your back. 

Do 3 sets of 20 reps. You will love the result!

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