Lavender Lemonade For Headaches And Anxiety

The infusion of lavender can be very useful to alleviate anxiety states and relieve headaches, as long as we also take some time to relax.

Occasionally, the simplest remedies are the ones that give the best results. The use of lavender to treat both headache and anxiety goes back very far.

It was enough, for example, to moisten a clean cloth with lavender water for direct application, and to be able to reduce tension and nervousness. So it was a simple natural medicine practice. And from it we inherited many aspects that continue to give good results.

As the benefits of lavender are already known when making essential oils, soaps, perfumes and air fresheners that induce relaxation, today we want to recommend another effective option: your lemonade.

It’s ideal for those days when we come home exhausted, with headaches and a high level of anxiety. You will see how well it works.

Lavender, a medicinal plant that reduces headaches and anxiety


They say that its fragrance is one of the most captivating. The Romans, for example, used this plant to prepare relaxing baths and then get involved in its good smell, eliminating tension.

  • The very word “lavender” comes from a Roman word “lavandula” which, in turn, has its root in “lavar”. Thus, reference is made to its ability to renew us inside and out, eliminating tensions and purifying us.

This plant can be found in all its forms in any herbalist. From the dried plant itself to, for example, essential oils, soaps, teas, etc.

Let’s see what all its benefits are:

  • Its essential oil contains over 150 active components. These are very effective in reducing both stress and anxiety. We can take it, for example, in the form of an infusion, baths or simply enjoying its aroma.
  • It works as a good anti-inflammatory. In addition, also as an antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial, detoxifying, hypotensive and  sedative.
  • It has been used since ancient times as a remedy to relieve nervousness, as we mentioned at the beginning. So, it was from there that it became one of the most used plants in aromatherapy.
  • One of the most common ways in which lavender is used to eliminate the discomfort of headaches and anxiety is through lemonade.

The benefits of combining lavender with lemon

Lemon juice

In our remedy to reduce headaches and anxiety, we are going to use a delicious combination of lemon and lavender. We already know the benefits of lavender, so… How can lemon help us in this case?

  • Lemon is a natural source of vitamin C and multiple minerals. It helps us balance electrolytes, these free ions that promote good electrical conduction in our body.
  • Lemon enhances the virtues of lavender. For example, it revitalizes, reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation.
  • Many people use a simple remedy to eliminate throbbing headache, which is a combination of lemon, water and Himalayan salt. However, in this case, lavender and lemon will give us the same results.

Worth a try.

How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Treat Headache and Anxiety

lavender juice

Ingredients for 1 liter of lemonade

  • 3 tablespoons of dried lavender (30 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 4 ice cubes
  • a big jar

Also discover the best natural juices to treat headaches


  • First, start by infusing the lavender. To do this, heat up half a liter of water in a kettle. When it boils, add the 3 tablespoons of the medicinal plant together with the honey spoon and let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Once ready, allow it to stand another 10 minutes and then strain all the contents, leaving only the water.  Please note that the images above are just a form of presentation. It is not common for this drink to acquire this violet tone.
  • Once it has settled, mix it with the other half liter of water.
  • It’s time to make our lemon juice. Get it from the two lemons and save the rind of one of them.
  • Then mix the lavender and honey infusion  with the lemon juice. Finally, cut the lemon rind into small pieces and place them in the jar that will be used to serve the lavender lemonade.
  • If the 4 ice cubes are introduced, we will get a drink as refreshing as it is delicious.

We advise that this relaxing drink will only be effective if we dedicate at least an hour to rest. It’s about knowing how to disconnect, with the help of this natural remedy so healthy to relieve nerves and promote blood circulation.

Finally, it is important to know that the infusion of lavender, as well as the consumption of its essential oil, will not be recommended for children under 6 years old, nor for those people who suffer from intestinal problems such as Crohn’s Disease, ulcers or gastritis.

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