Cleanse Your Liver In A Week

It is very important to start the day with a glass of warm water with a few tablespoons of lemon juice and olive oil to clean our system after an overnight fast.

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body. It has a great capacity for self-regeneration, but it is also one of the organs that suffers most due to poor diet, toxic habits and negative emotions.

In this article we will explain how to perform a complete liver clearance within seven days.

How do we know if we have an overloaded liver?

There are several symptoms that may indicate that we should clear the liver:

  • Bad digestion: the liver is essential in the digestive process, that’s why bad digestion, with abdominal pain, constipation or gas are symptoms of liver problems.
  • Mood : the malfunction of the liver also affects our mood, causing us irritability, discouragement and anger.
  • Dark circles under the eyes.
  • Right eye pain
  • Yellow color on the skin and sclera of the eye
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Allergies and Skin Problems

Preparation for the cleansing week

Since the debugging will last a week, it is important to strictly follow the guidelines and that before and after this week, try not to abuse any kind, to avoid reactions from the body.

If you take medication or have any health problem, consult a doctor before taking it. 

Finally, it should be noted that when cleaning is performed, some symptoms of cleaning sometimes appear, such as headaches, tiredness, a little fever, diarrhea, etc.

Therefore, we recommend that you always consult a specialist doctor.

prohibited food

During this week, completely avoid the following foods:

  • Alcohol
  • Fried food
  • Red meat
  • pre-cooked
  • dairy
  • white sugar
  • artificial sweeteners

In fasting

When we get up in the morning is when we finish the night fast, during which our body rested and regenerated, if there really was a good rest.

Therefore, it is very important to choose what will be consumed to break the fast.

Therefore, drink two glasses of warm water on an empty stomach and then drink a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

With these simple steps, it is possible to clean the body, get the organs working and activate the liver.

The breakfast

Half an hour later you can have breakfast. We recommend starting it with a natural orange or grapefruit juice. If you want to sweeten it, add a little bee honey or stevia.

Then, you can choose between one of the following breakfasts, which can be alternated daily, if you like:

  • Option 1: Fruit smoothie (apple, pear, pineapple or banana) with an oat or rice vegetable drink, a spoonful of brewer’s yeast, a spoonful of ground pollen, a handful of raisins and ground almond.
  • Option 2: Wholegrain bread toast with tahini (sesame pâté) and avocado.
  • Option 3: Wholemeal bread and carrot sandwich.


Since this cleansing is not a weight-loss regimen, there is no need to starve. So if you are hungry in the middle of the morning, it is possible to eat a piece of fruit or a handful of dried fruit.

What should be taken every day in the middle of the morning will be an infusion of one of the following medicinal plants:

  • Bilberry
  • Milk thistle
  • Dandelion 


Lunch will be based on three dishes that can be combined or mixed.

  • First course : gazpacho, salad or baked apple.
  • Second course : Brown rice, quinoa, wholegrain pasta, corn or potatoes cooked or roasted in the oven.
  • Third dish : Fish, white meat or vegetables.

Even more, it is possible to season meals with extra virgin olive oil, a little sea salt and apple cider vinegar.

End the meal equally with one of the aforementioned infusions.

In the afternoon

In the mid-afternoon, you can  eat something like mid-morning, and drink the third and last infusion of the day.


If you want to take care of the liver, dinners should always be light and not too late, as the liver regenerates in the early hours of the morning, and to do this the digestive process will have to be over.

Therefore, we recommend, during this week, to base dinner on a homemade vegetable cream, which can be added with seaweed, linseed oil and a little wheat germ.

If you feel more hungry, you can have an egg (omelet or boiled) and some toasted rice or corn.

Also, in this article we give you some tips that will help you take care of your liver on a daily basis.

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