8 Symptoms Of Vitamin C Deficiency

In addition to strengthening our immune system, vitamin C is essential for cellular repair and recovery from injuries, so if it is lacking, the wounds take longer to heal.

It is no secret that vitamins play a fundamental role in everything that has to do with the health and proper functioning of the body. Among them, vitamin C is one of the best known and most important. So, vitamin C deficiency is a big problem.

Not only  is it essential for strengthening the immune system,  but it also participates in many of the body’s processes.

Regular consumption has been proven to improve blood circulation,  promote cell growth and minimize the negative effects of oxidative damage.

In addition, vitamin C is necessary for the correct absorption of iron and the use of calcium, which allows for other interesting benefits.

For all these reasons,  its deficiency in the body can trigger a series of negative reactions  that directly affect the physical and mental state.

At first it is difficult to notice them, but as time goes by some symptoms appear that make them evident.

Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

1. Weakening and hair loss

Woman with hair loss due to vitamin C deficiency

First, thinning and hair loss are often associated with several factors that can deteriorate the scalp and hair.

Among them, vitamin C deficiency is a common cause, as it is  an essential nutrient to maintain collagen and proteins that give strength to the strands.

A diet low in foods that contain it can cause dryness, shedding, and susceptibility to dandruff, for example.

2. Recurrent infections

People with a vitamin C deficiency often develop more infections than those who consume enough amounts of vitamin C for their health.

This nutrient is essential for the body’s defense mechanisms and, therefore, a reduction in its levels  reduces the body’s ability to destroy pathogens that cause all kinds of diseases.

Continued urinary infections, oral problems and skin allergies are signs that we should increase consumption.

3. Mood swings

Woman stressed due to vitamin C deficiency

Even though most of the time we ignore it, vitamin C is also closely linked to emotional health.

That’s because their proper levels bring mental stability, tranquility and control over the hormones that cause bad moods.

Thus, a reduction in the vitamin can trigger states of irritability,  stress, and other negative emotions that affect us.

4. Fatigue

Fatigue or continuous feeling of tiredness is a symptom that manifests itself for various causes and health problems.

Vitamin C deficiency is no exception, as  this nutrient is necessary for good physical and mental performance.

Thus, not ingesting adequate amounts prevents us from getting a good rest and prolongs the feeling of exhaustion.

5. Difficult to heal wounds

Wounds can become difficult to heal due to vitamin C deficiency.

Since this nutrient is necessary for correct oxygenation and cell repair,  its reduction in the body prevents wounds from healing in good time.

Therefore, it is common for lesions to take a long time to heal and bruises appear overnight.

6. Body pain

Continuous bodily pain should be analyzed by a specialist, as there are many causes that can trigger them.

Among these, nutritional deficiencies are very common, mainly because they  directly influence muscle and joint health.

For example, lack of vitamin C reduces the correct absorption of some minerals, which leads to muscle weakness.

Furthermore, it prevents the correct synthesis of collagen and  causes a weakening of the cartilage that protects the joints.

7. Dry skin

Your skin may become dry from vitamin C deficiency

Daily consumption of this vitamin is one of the best habits for having smooth, beautiful and disease-free skin.

That’s because this nutrient prevents the premature loss of collagen and elastin,  two substances that are responsible for maintaining its firmness and elasticity.

Its regular intake minimizes the negative effects of free radicals, promotes the elimination of toxins and reduces the risk of premature aging.

As if that were not enough, vitamin C is essential for a correct skin hydration, as it facilitates the absorption of nutrients and liquids.

8. Cardiovascular diseases

The early development of some cardiovascular diseases can be closely related to the lack of vitamin C in the diet.

Even though they are conditioned by many factors, low levels of this nutrient influence their development.

Its antioxidant action reduces cholesterol accumulation,  favors blood cleansing and stimulates the elimination of toxins.

It is essential to improve the connective tissue of our organs as it supports the functionality of our cells, veins and arteries.

Do you suspect you may have this nutritional deficiency? So, find out mainly about the natural sources that contain it and  try to improve your eating habits to receive the correct dose. 

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