How To Sterilize Kitchen Utensils

Did you know that it is important to sterilize kitchen utensils? Next, we’ll explain why and teach you the best ways to do this.
How to sterilize kitchen utensils

If you love cooking, you may be wondering if it is possible to sterilize kitchen utensils and how to do this. The answer is yes. Sterilization is the process by which the total destruction of microorganisms present in a given place or object is achieved.

Proper sterilization ensures that food is free of pathogens and cross contamination. Therefore, you must learn to sterilize them correctly to avoid setbacks. We tell you how to do this below.

Why is it important to sterilize kitchen utensils?

You may be thinking that washing everything with soap and water is enough. But not. Dishwashers, washing sponges and dish towels are the dirtiest places in your kitchen. Bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli can inhabit them.

Cross-contamination with other foods is also possible, as pathogens use utensils as a channel to get around.

In the case of Salmonella , we are talking about a bacterium that lives in the intestines of people and animals. It causes nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, fever, chills, headache and bloody stools.

The E. Coli causes almost the same symptoms as Salmonella , except the headache. Both bacteria are fecal coliforms, meaning that their presence in an environment indicates contamination with feces. There are other less serious illnesses such as Campylobacter infection , rotavirus and listeriosis.

They usually arrive in the kitchen because of meat contaminated with animal feces or because of poor hand hygiene when preparing food. Therefore, disregarding hygiene rules can cause these foodborne infections.

Health problems due to lack of hygiene
Food poisoning gastroenteritis can be avoided with basic hygiene rules.

How can we prevent these diseases?

These illnesses are preventable by maintaining proper hygiene in a kitchen. One of the main things you should do is clean the sponge you wash dishes with and the kitchen cloths daily with boiling water. This way you avoid the proliferation of germs.

You should also clean the refrigerator thoroughly. It is recommended to keep it below 4º C to avoid the growth of microorganisms.

As for residues, it is best to keep them covered and remove them frequently. Buy a trash can with a pedal so you don’t have to handle it with your hands.

How to sterilize kitchen utensils?

To properly sterilize kitchen utensils, we must separate them. We explain the process for each of them.


In the kitchen, the knife is one of the most important items. There are two methods of sterilization; one is classic and the other with ultraviolet light.

The classic method is to introduce the utensils in steam, which is capable of sterilizing because in the gaseous state molecules penetrate objects more easily. High temperatures are capable of killing pathogenic microorganisms.

These microorganisms have a growth temperature between 20 and 45º C. But they are not the only ones, as spore-forming bacteria also cause gastrointestinal problems.

These spores withstand high temperatures; therefore, for optimal sterilization, utensils should be kept above 100º C for 15 minutes.

Ultraviolet sterilization, which is one of the most used in the food industry, is capable of killing most microorganisms. This requires an ultraviolet lamp, although there are sterilizing containers and ovens that already come with this technology.

forks and spoons

You must sterilize them separately from the knives. First, place all cutlery and utensils, such as tongs, scissors, spatulas, or slotted spoons, in a container or tray just to sterilize.

Then boil the water with multipurpose detergent and pour into the container, leaving all submerged. Cover with a lid and let stand 5 to 20 minutes.

Take special care if utensils are made of plastic. After the specified time, remove the lid and carefully drain the water, allowing the objects to cool down. Dry and store in a clean place.

Dishwasher to sterilize kitchen utensils

Cutting board

To disinfect the meat cutting board, everything depends on the material it is made of. They are usually made of wood. Vinegar is a good option as it does not affect the surface fibers and prevents their deterioration. Its compounds allow you to fight bacteria that cause food infections.

To use it, clean the surface and spray with white vinegar. Leave to act for 10 minutes. After this time, rinse with water and allow to dry.

If you want to neutralize the smell, use lemon juice. Start by cutting a slice and rubbing it onto the board surface for 2 minutes. Allow to air dry without rinsing.

Sterilizing kitchen utensils is critical to your family’s safety

In general, you should sterilize your kitchen utensils as they can be a means of food contamination. With this simple practice, you add security to your family’s health.

Take the time to do this and combine this task with other care measures such as separating meats and vegetables in the kitchen and using products of safe origin.

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