How To Get Rid Of Warts Naturally?

Crushed garlic will help us to dry the warts and, thanks to its properties, we will be able to prevent them from appearing in the same areas again.
How to remove warts naturally?

Warts are skin growths and are caused by a virus, which can vary in size and color. To eliminate warts naturally, different effective home remedies can be used.

They usually affect the hands, feet and neck, but can appear anywhere on the body ; even though warts are not cancerous and do not cause health problems, they can make the person suffering from this condition feel uncomfortable and insecure.

Garlic to remove warts naturally

Garlic is a very healthy option to add to your diet and has added value as it can help you get rid of warts.

Garlic should be applied directly to the affected area as follows: mash a fresh garlic clove into a thick paste and apply directly to the wart, leaving it to act overnight. You can cover it with a clean bandage.

Upon rising in the morning, remove the bandage with the garlic paste and clean the affected area. Repeat this process every night until the wart dries and falls off. In addition, garlic will help prevent warts from appearing in this region.    

Garlic an effective remedy to eliminate warts

Garlic works with both small and large warts, but in the latter, it can take one to two months for them to disappear completely. It takes patience and persistence.

Duct Tape Method to Eliminate Warts Naturally

This method is suitable for anyone, including children. A small piece of adhesive tape should be placed over the wart for six days ; after this period, remove the tape and place the wart in water for a few minutes.

Then, with a nail file or a pumice stone, rub gently to remove dead skin. Apply a new piece of duct tape and repeat the process until the wart disappears, which can take a few months.

Banana peel to eliminate warts naturally

eliminate warts naturally

Since banana peel contains salicylic acid, it can help to dry out warts in the following way: Cut a piece of banana peel and place the inside of the skin against the wart, securing with tape before going to bed.

You can change the bandage once or twice a day and repeat this treatment until the wart disappears.

Eliminate Warts Naturally with Lemon Juice

Lemon juice, applied several times a day, can eliminate warts in the following way: Dip cotton in lemon juice and apply to areas where you have warts for several seconds. Repeat this treatment three or four times a day until the wart dries, becomes darker and falls off.

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