5 Easy Tips To Lose Weight Before Bedtime

It is very important not to skip dinner so as not to slow down your metabolism. Also, try to have an early dinner so that by the time it’s time for bed you’ve already digested.
5 Easy Tips to Lose Weight Before Bedtime

Is it possible to lose weight even before sleeping? For sure. Our metabolism is always working, so we can put in place simple strategies to keep it continuously active.

We must remember that the last part of the day is still the most important when losing weight, so it is worth keeping in mind some determining factors.

Today, in our space, we want to teach how it is possible to lose weight before going to sleep.

1. The importance of dinner

Dining is important for a diet where craving and losing weight

Many people decide to skip dinner thinking that this way they will be able to lose weight more easily. However, this is a mistake, as not having dinner in the evening will make you spend about 10 hours without your body receiving any nutrients.

As a result, two things can happen: the first and most serious is not eating properly. The second is to slow down our metabolism.

So, do you want a solution for this? It is important to always have dinner following these recommendations:

  • You should have dinner two hours before bed;
  • The meal should be light;
  • You’ve certainly heard that it’s important to have a “little and balanced” dinner. Some people hear this and fall into the classic mistake of eating only a salad.
    This is also not suitable, as the ideal is for dinner to contain protein, fiber, vitamins and even carbohydrates;
  • You should be especially careful with salads, as these last hours of the day are usually not very digestive. Vegetable soups are very suitable.
    An example? Pumpkin soup with cinnamon, zucchini soup, garlic or oatmeal. They are delicious and can be combined with a little salmon.

2. Half an hour of walking to lose weight

walk to lose weight

It’s not about going out for a run and getting tired. The only thing we are looking for is to relax and keep our metabolism active. For this, it is very rewarding, for example, to go for a walk with your pet or with someone else who accompanies you. Walk fast while breathing deeply.

In addition, this walk at the end of the day will also allow you to release tensions and relativize problems. As you already know, stress is an enemy of our health and our weight.

If we get used to taking this daily walk at the end of the day, we will have a pleasant moment of relaxation to relieve tension and thus see things differently.

You’ll come home relaxed, so don’t hesitate to try it!

3. The benefits of a detox bath

Detox bath to lose weight

After taking our tour, it’s perfect to have a relaxing hot shower. Once a week, for example, it would be advisable to prepare a bath like this. We will certainly use more water, but the benefits it can bring us are very important.

  • Releases toxins;
  • Nourishes the skin with vitamins and minerals;
  • We feel renewed and, of course, we reactivate the energies.

This type of bath, by releasing toxins, helps us to deflate and reactivate, also allowing us to end the day more pleasantly, contributing to the weight loss process.

So, add 100g of baking soda, 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 100g of sea salt and a spoonful of grated ginger to your bath. Soak up for half an hour and relax!

4. Teas to lose weight at the last moment of the day

Infusions to lose weight

There are some delicious natural infusions that we can take before bed. They will help us burn fat, get important vitamins, and relax as well. Write down:

  • Cranberry tea: lowers blood glucose levels and allows us to rest deeply;
  • Oolong tea: This famous oriental infusion is well known for its weight loss benefits. It has an attractive blue color and is delicious;
  • Star anise tea: if we drink it at the last hour of the day, it will allow us to have a more relaxed sleep, as we will be able to eliminate the extra fat that was ingested for dinner;
  • Rose tea: it ‘s excellent. According to the Journal of Food Science , rose tea is richer in antioxidants than green tea, has no caffeine and, in addition, is ideal to drink at night. It helps fight constipation and prevents classic abdominal inflammation.

5. Preparing for a good night’s sleep

sleep well to lose weight

Sleeping properly will also allow us to lose weight. Were you surprised? That’s right!

During the night, our lymphatic system performs important toxin elimination tasks. If he doesn’t do this, we will retain in our body harmful elements that inflame us and prevent us from losing weight in a healthy way.

In order to get a good night’s sleep, the room must have a temperature between 20°C and 24°C. It is always better for the temperature to be mild, as the moment it exceeds these limits, sleep will no longer be as good.

Remember to turn off your electronic devices two hours before bed. That way you’ll avoid your magnetic waves. Also, choose a good book and let sleep calmly envelop you.

As you can see, this is simple advice that will allow us to take better care of our health and therefore lose weight effectively.

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