Chamomile And Cinnamon To Control Blood Glucose

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels are dangerous to health and can lead to a chronic disease: diabetes.
Chamomile and cinnamon to control blood glucose

Diabetes occurs when the body loses its ability to produce the proper amount of insulin or cannot use it successfully, thus raising the blood glucose level.

Insulin is a hormone manufactured by the pancreas, whose function allows glucose from food to be absorbed by the body’s cells to become energy; which will fuel cell activities in tissues.

As a result, people with diabetes begin to experience tissue damage in the body and, in the future, this deterioration develops other, even more serious health complications.

The person begins to lose weight and muscle mass, even eating normally.

Fortunately, there are many other ways to control this problem before it causes irreversible health damage. One of the natural alternatives is a chamomile and cinnamon drink, rich in medicinal properties that help stabilize sugar levels.

Below, we’ll share its main properties and the easy recipe to prepare it at home. Try it!

Chamomile and cinnamon to regulate blood glucose

Foods such as chamomile and cinnamon have therapeutic properties that can help treat diabetes.

Both contain active compounds that act directly in reducing blood glucose and other problems, such as indigestion, high cholesterol and circulation problems, among others.

Benefits of chamomile to control blood glucose


Chamomile is one of the flowers most used in alternative therapies, especially for its calming, healing and digestive effects.

Some time ago, it was found that it can help patients with type II diabetes, as it prevents the spikes in blood glucose that occur after meals and snacks.

According to a study published in the journal Nutrition , the responsible for this benefit is an antioxidant known as quercetin.

Quercetin slows down the absorption of glucose in the intestine, which lowers blood glucose.

To reach this conclusion, a research group conducted a clinical study with 64 people, all patients with type 2 diabetes. Participants were divided into random groups.

One group drank a cup of hot chamomile tea after each of the three daily meals for eight weeks, while the other group drank only one cup of water during the same period.

At the end of the study, the results showed that patients who drank the chamomile had a significant decrease in their glucose hemoglobin test, compared to those who drank only water.

Benefits of cinnamon to regulate blood glucose

This very popular spice used in cooking has already proven to be an excellent remedy for people with type 2 diabetes.

Cinnamon can activate essential enzymes in the body, which then stimulate receptors on cells to respond well to the effect of insulin.

In addition, it contains a compound whose effect is similar to that of insulin, and which has the ability to increase the metabolism of glucose, to transform it into energy.

Chamomile and cinnamon drink to control blood glucose

Chamomile-and-cinnamon drink to control blood glucose

The natural chamomile and cinnamon drink is a type of medicinal tea that can complement the treatment of diabetes; as well as other complicated problems such as high cholesterol.

Cinnamon has almost no calories and can be eaten every day to make the most of its properties.

It should not only be consumed by pregnant women, as it is abortifacient.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers

How to make:

  • First, bring the water with the cinnamon to the fire.
  • When it boils, turn off the heat and add the chamomile flower spoon.
  • Then cover the pan and let it sit for ten minutes.
  • Finally, strain the tea and remove the flowers.

Mode of consumption:

  • Drink one cup a day, preferably on an empty stomach.
  • Consume chamomile and cinnamon tea for at least two weeks in a row to notice results.

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