How To Make Cocoa Butter Cream And Vitamin E To Moisturize Hands

Applying hand cream helps to care for them and keep them young and looking good for longer.

Hydration of the hands is a simple habit, but very effective in maintaining the health and good appearance of this part of the body. It also helps to neutralize the negative effects caused by contact with dust, cleaning products and various surfaces.

While easy to ignore at first, these factors deteriorate the skin’s health and rob the skin of its natural moisture, making it susceptible to damage and signs of aging.

In addition to commercial creams, there are 100% natural recipes that help to hydrate and regenerate it, offering extra nutrients and benefits.

Next, we’ll share a homemade cream of cocoa butter and vitamin E.

Moisturizing cream of cocoa butter and vitamin E for hands

The combination of cocoa butter and vitamin E allows us to prepare  a cream with moisturizing and repairing properties. Its antioxidants promote cell regeneration and contribute to skin health. Therefore, its regular application improves the appearance of dry hands.

Benefits of Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is known in the cosmetic industry for its versatility and moisturizing effect on dry and sensitive skin. It provides fatty acids, vitamin E and proteins that, once absorbed, help maintain natural moisture while cells repair themselves. It also contains essential antioxidants and minerals that help maintain skin health and reduce the risk of developing premature wrinkles.

In addition, it has healing and anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for promoting skin repair in the face of superficial wounds or burns. On the other hand, it is said that its moisturizing effect combats the damage caused by the sun’s rays.

Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E oil, which is commonly found in capsules at pharmacies and cosmetics stores, is a moisturizing and protective ingredient that helps keep your skin looking beautiful. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties,  both capable of repairing the skin against damage caused by the sun, heat sources and sudden changes in climate.

Its application would help reduce the impact of oxidative stress, accelerate regeneration and also help maintain skin hydration and smoothness.

Recipe for natural cream of cocoa butter and vitamin E


  • 1 vitamin E capsule.
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa butter (72 g).
  • Optional: 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g).


  • Add cocoa butter to a heat resistant container and place in a double boiler.
  • When melted, add the contents of one vitamin E capsule.
  • If you like, add coconut oil and stir.
  • When everything is well mixed, remove from heat and let stand at room temperature.
  • Put the cream in a container with a lid and use it every day.

Application mode

  • Take a small amount of cream and apply to hands and cuticles.
  • Massage until completely absorbed.
  • Repeat use up to 3 times a day.
  • Include in your personal care routine.

So, are you excited to prepare your own homemade cream to moisturize your hands? Now that you know how simple it is, buy the ingredients at your favorite store and enjoy its wonderful properties!

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