9 Things That Make Nails Brittle

In order for your nails not to weaken and become brittle, you must protect them properly when handling cleaning products, avoid biting them, and provide them with adequate hydration and care.
9 things that make nails brittle

In recent years, nails have become a very important component of female beauty, especially as they are considered a letter of introduction to others. Therefore, today we want to dedicate this space to these 9 things that make nails brittle.

Fashion and trends have given them a very special role and, in fact, today they are fundamental to almost any style.

A large part of their structure is made up of a type of protein called keratin, which, along with vitamins and minerals, is essential for keeping them strong and healthy and preventing brittle nails.

Even though many products are designed to keep them in top condition, sometimes there are factors that weaken them.

The problem is that many people are not aware of this and, unknowingly, end up deteriorating these structures and getting brittle nails.

Habits That Can Cause Brittle Nails

1. biting your nails

The habit of biting the nails, known in medical terms as onychophagia, is very common among both children and adults.

Although it seems just a way to release anxiety and stress, over time it can deform the nails and lead to infections.

Also, considering that the nail is continuously abused, its structure weakens and it becomes more brittle.

2. Carelessness with enamel

Nail polishes allow us to use different styles, designs and colors. However, some people have the bad habit of peeling it after a few days.

This practice, even though it seems harmless, is harmful to the nails because it affects the surface layer that protects them.

The most suitable is to use products for the correct elimination of enamel, checking if it contains chemical products adapted for the nails.

3. Carelessness with the cuticles

nail care_cuticles

Cuticles may be the most overlooked part of nail care and beautification routines.

Some people cut their cuticles with pliers and many others pull them out with their teeth, just as they bite their nails.

However, what few people realize is that it is a fundamental part of nail health, and neglecting them can progressively weaken them.

To avoid these inconveniences, we must use a cuticle remover when removing the dead skin that accumulates around it.

4. Sand your surface

Sanding the surface of the nails is a bad habit, since, in addition to weakening their structure, it can lead to the proliferation of some bacteria and fungi.

5. Sanding the sides

nail file

Some people, looking for a square style for their nails, exaggerate a little or file the sides, and end up wearing an important part of them.

Although, at first, it seems to be unimportant, deteriorating this part leads to a weakening of the nail, which starts to break faster.

6. Abuse of gel nails

Women who have difficulty controlling their nail-biting anxiety can turn to gel nails to maintain a perfect manicure.

The problem is that, although they are very beautiful, during their elimination we lose important nutrients, and the structure of the nails is very compromised.

Therefore, it is essential to go to a professional to remove them with the proper products, without affecting the nails.

7. Lack of protection


Did you know that chemical substances in household cleaning products are super aggressive? Although we ignore this fact for a long time, these substances are among the main causes of brittle nails.

Not wearing gloves during household tasks and handling this type of product directly affects nail health.

8. Use them as a tool

Watch out! Nails are not a working tool, although they can be useful on occasion.

Using them to peel off labels, scrape something, or open containers can weaken them, even break them instantly.

Try to employ other elements to carry out these tasks and, when possible, protect them from compromising them.

9. Lack of hydration


As with any other part of the body, nails need continual hydration to stay strong, long and healthy.

In addition to increasing your water consumption, try to acquire a moisturizing cream designed for your nails and cuticles.

Do you make any of these mistakes? If you identify, it’s worth starting to take steps to take better care of your nails.

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