Best Anti-Anxiety Techniques

Physical exercise is one of the best alternatives to minimize anxiety and release tension, while promoting the production of serotonin.
The best techniques against anxiety

Millions of people across the world are affected by this defense mechanism that anticipates possible danger and makes us act differently.

It is essential to treat it professionally and also through anti-anxiety techniques. In this article we offer some of the most effective ones.

Advice to reduce anxiety

As a first step, it is critical to accept the symptoms and become familiar with them. This is not so simple, but very important.

Analyze your anxiety. At what point does it appear? When does it occur with greater intensity? In what way does it appear?

When you feel anxious and think that this problem is overwhelming you, we recommend that you perform the following techniques:

1. Don’t go against the current

woman blinded by anxiety

Accept and acknowledge your anxiety. It doesn’t help to fight the symptoms. You have to face it. Not mine to yourself and don’t even try to hide the truth.

Be confident that you will feel better soon.

2. Learn about your condition

Among the most frequent symptoms we can find:

  • Inability to control fear or uncertainty;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Breathing and accelerated heartbeats;
  • Headache;
  • Dryness in the mouth;

3. Try to get comfortable

Think of the anxiety picture as a storm. The first thing we do in this situation is to try to shelter ourselves so we don’t get wet. In this case the same happens.

  • When your anxiety levels get too high, leave whatever you’re doing,  lie down or get up from where you’re sitting, take off your shoes, and do your best to get comfortable.
  • You can close your eyes and regulate your breathing so that your body understands that there is no danger.

4. Exercise

According to a study conducted in 2013, physical activity has positive effects on anxiety and emotional problems.

Exercise allows you to reduce anxiety and release the tensions that lead to your main symptoms.

Look for something to do that involves moving:  walking, swimming, cycling or boxing. They are much healthier alternatives to anxiolytics.

5. Think realistic thoughts

What causes you anxiety? What are the thoughts that trigger it? If you maintain a positive attitude and focus on the good ideas, the anxiety will gradually subside.

Try to see each situation from a different angle and you’ll feel less stress.

Based on realistic thoughts, we realize that life is neither a test nor a presentation where we will be judged by our actions.

Look at things from a “nice” or “glass half full” angle. Let go of the thoughts that anguish and limit you.

6. Do what makes you feel good

If you don’t like to exercise, that’s fine, as there are hundreds of activities that can reduce your anxiety.

For example, you can watch a soap opera, watch a cartoon movie, have tea, play games with your kids, plan a trip, listen to music, or take an immersion bath.

Anything that serves to distract is welcome.

7. Don’t jump to conclusions

Woman unable to cope with anxiety

The highly anxious people tend to draw conclusions based on limited data and information. For example, when looking at other people’s facial expressions.

These deductions may be related to your previous experiences.

In other words, if you are suffering from anxiety, you are more likely to rush and draw conclusions that are not always correct. It is best to wait and analyze the situation carefully before giving a verdict.

8. Breathe

When air slowly enters through the nose and remains in the lungs for a few seconds, before leaving with a long pause, the body relaxes. And this effect is enhanced if we close our eyes.

Take the test and you’ll see how your heart rate evens out, how the sweating on your hands or the choking feeling stops.

Try to breathe consciously!

9. Meditate

Once you have learned how to breathe to reduce anxiety, the next step is to practice meditation. This ancient philosophy is very beneficial.

With half an hour a day (for example, on getting up or before bedtime) you can eradicate stress and nerves.

Meditation is not sitting in the lotus position and closing your eyes, but training the mind so that it does not deceive you.

You can enjoy the benefits of this practice anytime, anywhere.

In addition, it would be good for you to use relaxation techniques to improve your anxiety. Best of all, its effects are long-lasting.

  • Play instrumental music, light a candle or incense.
  • Lie down on the couch or bed and close your eyes. Focus on sounds and smells.
  • Little by little you will see how calm you feel.

10. Maintain a healthy diet

  Fried foods, sweets and flour, as well as alcohol or coffee, can have an impact on anxiety disorders.

Since we are what we eat and drink, it would be better for us to pay more attention to the foods and beverages you offer your body.

Fruits and vegetables have many nutrients that are good for the mind and body.

Going for orange juice is better than having coffee in the morning, or opting for a salad instead of a hamburger. You will feel better and calmer.

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