3 Natural Pain Relievers To Combat Low Back Pain

Low back pain usually occurs after a fall or blow to the back. However, it can also appear after exercising improperly, carrying weights, or maintaining poor posture.
3 natural painkillers to fight low back pain

Low back pain is an intense pain in the back and waist, but it can also be felt in the muscles and glutes. It is usually caused by repetition of wrong postures, support overloads or muscle injuries. Combating low back pain is a task that requires perseverance and persistence.

Low back pain usually occurs after a fall or blow to the back. However, it can also appear after exercising improperly, carrying weights, or maintaining poor posture.

Types of low back pain

Low back pain may appear occasionally or it may be a chronic, recurring problem.

To combat low back pain, it is important to know the types that exist. Depending on its characteristics, this discomfort can be classified as follows:

punctual low back pain

It is the pain that appears in the lower back after a sudden effort or the adoption of a bad posture. These are discomforts that go away on their own and last between 3 and 4 days. 

Repetitive or chronic low back pain

If low back pain episodes appear frequently and last longer than 12 weeks, they can eventually lead to chronic low back pain. It is estimated that 20% of cases become chronic. It is also associated with pregnancy, overweight, osteoarthritis and even emotional stress.

To combat low back pain, it is essential to correct bad postures and avoid situations that favor pain. These are the first steps to alleviating the problem, but you should also study the feasibility of having physical therapy, acupuncture, or therapeutic massage, as appropriate.

3 Natural Remedies to Fight Low Back Pain

white willow

The salicylated derivatives of willow are anti-inflammatory, especially at the joint level, and also act against pain and fever. For this reason, willow is indicated for the treatment of colds and flu-like conditions. It also  relieves all types of pain, especially joint pain. Therefore, it is very useful to combat low back pain.

As an infusion,  you can take up to 3 cups a day of the decoction, preferably in association with other plants that improve its action and flavor, such as yarrow, mint, viburnum and horsetail.


Ginger properties
Ginger is an anti-inflammatory spice that helps reduce pain such as low back pain. It can be consumed as an infusion or applied topically.

The  ginger is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory, which makes it a great ally in the fight of the low back pain. It can be taken as an infusion or applied to the lower back in the form of a plaster.

You can use it as an infusion, in the proportion of two tablespoons in half a liter of water. Once done, you can drink or soak gauze in the mixture, applying it to the painful area.

It is also useful for its relaxing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Another way to use it is to give it a gentle massage. For this you just need to mix 5 drops of ginger essential oil with 10 of sweet almond oil.

Devil’s Claw to Fight Low Back Pain

There are studies that claim that a treatment based on harpagophyte, a plant also known as devil’s claw, reduces  short-term low back pain  and the need to use medication. It is important to indicate that the treatment of low back pain with harpagophyte should last at least 2 or 3 months for its effects to be noticed and lasting.

It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects. Due to its analgesic properties, it is also indicated when bone and tendon tissues present painful and inflammatory symptoms. The part used is the bulb, in the form of capsules of 450-500 mg. 

In addition, it also has antispasmodic properties, so it serves to combat spasms. For this reason, it is also used to treat digestive complaints, such as gas, lack of appetite or bloating.

How to prevent low back pain from recurring?

Combat low back pain with yoga
Regular practice of relaxation techniques is beneficial in reducing muscle pain and tension.

We recommend  avoiding nervous tension caused by stress. This is one of the main causes of contractures in the back muscles and, consequently, of pain in that region.

So  when you notice that your lower back is stiff, sit in a chair and bend your torso until you rest on your legs. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

In addition, taking  melissa or lavender infusions will also help calm your nerves and prevent tense contractions. Physiotherapy, rehabilitation exercises, acupuncture and relaxation therapies such as yoga, tai chi or meditation are some of the practices that have shown good results, both in the treatment of low back pain and in its prevention.

Follow these recommendations to fight low back pain

To avoid lower back pain and have a healthy spine, remember that you should maintain a proper weight and exercise regularly, such as swimming and stretching. You should also try to adopt correct postures.

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