9 Ways To Prevent Cancer According To Science

Although we cannot avoid 100% of its appearance, we can at least decrease the probability if we lead a healthy life and undergo tests to detect it as soon as possible.
9 Ways to Prevent Cancer According to Science

You’re likely to think that nothing is so safe when it comes to cancer prevention. We all know someone close to us who, despite living a healthy life, was diagnosed with such a disease. Do you know how to prevent cancer?

The International Agency for Research Against Cancer ( IARC ), explains that with appropriate strategies it is possible to prevent up to 50% of cancer cases. It is important that we take this into account.

For example, as indicated by  the European Code Against Cancer two decades ago, stomach cancer was common, now lung cancer kills more, both among men and women. Undoubtedly, this is a direct reflection of unhealthy lifestyle habits, which increases the risk.

Therefore, it never hurts to know these simple tips to apply them in our daily lives. Sometimes small actions bring big results.

To prevent cancer, avoid tobacco

To reduce the risk of cancer, the first thing we must do is avoid tobacco. By this we are not referring to avoiding only “nicotine”, but also secondhand smoke.

  • As noted at the beginning of the article, lung cancer is currently one of the most common in the population, and also the one that kills the most.
  • It is useless to smoke electronic cigarettes or those with low levels of nicotine, the best solution is  to completely avoid inhaling smoke and its harmful substances.

have a healthy weight

As stated by  the National Cancer Institute  (United States), obesity increases the risk of endometrial, pancreatic, colorectal and thyroid cancers.

  • Excess body mass favors, for example, an increase in estrogen in the case of women. In turn, excess estrogen can promote several mutations, making a normal cell become cancerous.
  • Don’t hesitate to consult your doctor or nutritionist to always achieve a healthy weight. It’s really worth it!

3. Avoid sedentary lifestyle

walk to avoid cancer

To combat sedentary lifestyles it is not enough to go for a walk once a week. The body needs daily movement and moderate activity,  with which we improve our circulation, oxygenation and, in turn, the functioning of our organs.

It’s not about getting tired, it’s not about getting exhausted. In most cases, things as simple as walking briskly for half an hour a day will suffice.

Remember to do this in a park or a green area where the air is clean!

4. Have a healthy diet

We know that healthy eating is synonymous with well-being, health and longevity

  • Consume fresh food, and if possible, of organic origin.
  • Remember to drink between 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Increase dose fibers and vitamin C.

5. The importance of avoiding or moderating alcohol consumption

Like everything else in life, moderation and balance is most important. Any excess has consequences, even more when we talk about alcohol.

  • If you want to take advantage of the fact that you are in good health, just have a glass of red wine a day to take care of your cardiovascular health.

6. Protect yourself from the sun’s rays

Woman protecting herself from the sun to prevent cancer

An essential way to prevent cancer is, of course, to adequately protect ourselves against ultraviolet rays.

  • The sun is necessary for our body and helps us to obtain and synthesize vitamin D, however we must avoid exposure to it close to midday, and also control the exposure time.

7. Avoid working with pollutants

We know that it is not always in our hands to control the environment around us during work. However, it is important to be alert and comply with all security measures.

If our task is to handle chemical agents in a factory, we must always take care to maintain adequate protective measures and submit to regular examinations. It’s very important!

8. The danger of radon

Sometimes we are not aware of this, but radon is an invisible enemy present in many of our cities, fields and forests, which can cause us a very slow death.

We are talking about radon gas, a radioactive element that emanates naturally in the earth’s crust.

We can always consult the page of the  Environmental Protection Agency  where they will inform us in which places on the planet emanations of this substance have been detected.

9. The importance of vaccination

cancer vaccine

Something as simple as vaccinating our babies against hepatitis B, and vaccinating girls, after they reach a certain age, against the Human Papilloma Virus can undoubtedly help prevent cancer in a very interesting percentage.

In addition, it is also important to consider the following aspects:

  • In the case of women, it is essential to frequently consult the gynecologist and have a check-up to prevent  breast cancer.
  • It is also necessary that both men and women participate in programs for early detection of lung or colorectal cancer.

However, in these cases, the collaboration of medical institutions is also necessary to promote this type of prevention.


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