9 Foods That Make Our Bodies Smell Bad

Sometimes good hygiene is not enough to eliminate bad body odor. Did you know that some foods are directly related to this problem?
9 foods that make our bodies smell bad

The bad smell in our body is due to the combined action of the sweat glands with the volatile compounds we generate and bacterial activity.

This process is usually determined by hormonal and metabolic issues. But it can also  be caused by some types of illnesses and the consumption of certain medications.

Although many people think that sweat is the cause of bad smell, the truth is that various types of germs, dirt and compounds from certain foods that we add to our diet play a role in this result.

The latter cause an excess of acidity in the body and, since they  cause an imbalance in pH, make it difficult to eliminate toxins, causing a bad smell.

Also, some are full of strong substances that are expelled with sweat or smelled with breath.

You know them? Come check out some.

1. Garlic

our body

Its strong odor tends to leave bad breath for several hours. Furthermore, the volatile sulfur compounds in garlic influence the bad smell of sweat. 

These substances are absorbed into the blood and lungs after the digestive process is finished, which makes the breath and skin smell bad.

2. Refined sugar

Candies and refined sugars cause changes in the body’s acidity, alter its temperature and generate unpleasant odors.

Bacteria feed on the sweet and, due to its excessive growth, fermentation speeds up  and the odor is stronger and stronger.

3. Condiments

our body

Spices such as curry and cumin tend to cause halitosis and bad smells on the skin. When consumed, they cause sulfurous gases that are eliminated by the pores.

Despite being assimilated correctly, they can remain in the bloodstream and be later released.

4. Hydrogenated fat

Hydrogenated oils are those used in the preparation of fast foods, fried foods and sweets, among others.

Not only are they a major cause of being overweight, they are also related to the tendency to smell bad.

Their fats make digestion difficult and have a negative interaction with other foods that are processed in the intestine.

5. Sausages

our body

Pâté, sausages, bacon and any type of embedded meat increase the degree of acidity in the stomach and gas.

Its decomposition in the digestive process is slow and, due to its fat and chemical content, it alters the metabolic functions that help to eliminate toxins.

6. Red meats

The proteins that red meats contain are more difficult to digest in the intestine. Since they usually stagnate for several days,  there is a high risk of putrefaction and bad body odors.

People who consume fewer servings of this food per week sweat less intensely and profusely compared to those who eat it daily.

Cutting it off from your diet prevents flatulence, abdominal inflammation and constipation.

7. Asparagus

our body

Asparagus  can cause a strong, acidic odor in urine because of its natural decomposition.

This effect only occurs in some people, since, according to genetic variations, the ability to produce and perceive odors varies.

8. Alcoholic beverages

People who drink alcohol in excess have more unpleasant odors on their skin and breath. The body considers alcohol to be a toxin  and, therefore, the liver is in charge of metabolizing it.

90% turns into acetic acid, a non-toxic substance that is eliminated along with the body’s fluids and salts.

The remaining part, which is in the bloodstream, is eliminated through the lungs during breathing or through the pores of the skin through sweat.

9. Onion

our body

Bacteria degrade sulfur amino acids in onions, generating bad-smelling volatile substances such  as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide.

These sulfur compounds are incorporated into the bloodstream and  reach the mouth, stomach, intestine and liver. They are also transferred to the pulmonary alveoli and, if they accumulate in large quantities, generate a strong odor when expelled with air.

So, if despite having good hygiene and health you have bad odors in your body, it is likely that some foods in your diet are contributing to this. So, reduce the consumption of some of them!

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