8 Tips To Combat Insecurity

If crowds of people or other aspects block you, it’s good to learn to deal with them. That way you will be able to overcome this fear and improve relationships.
8 tips to fight insecurity

The great enemy of social relationships is insecurity. Always thinking about what they will say is forgetting something very important: you are a valuable person. So find out how to fight insecurity and improve personal relationships below.

If you don’t know where to start, put our tips into practice. You’ll find that improving relationships is easier than it might first appear.

How to fight insecurity

Shy person

1. Be cordial

Education is an excellent step towards social improvement. Even if it is a relationship of friends or love, showing education will be the first step to get it back.

  • One of the fears you may feel is that you will be offended.
  • So if you’ve been involved in uncomfortable situations before and now you’re afraid to repeat the experience, simply try to be polite. You will see how your interlocutors will behave in the same way.

2. If you want to fight insecurity, love your beauty

Dressing well will make you feel secure,  have confidence in yourself, as well as improve your relationships.

All people are visual. Therefore, showing your best part in the form of clothes, makeup and accessories is a way to open doors.

3. Don’t be afraid to laugh and cry

There is no greater show of confidence than  expressing in a healthy and mature way what you feel. Whether it’s love, pain, anger or joy, it’s important not to be afraid to experience these emotions.

Also, you may even be pleasantly surprised to find that  others connect better when you allow yourself to be vulnerable. This is normal, as it gives the other an opportunity to be empathetic with you and helps you to improve relationships.

4. Don’t fight, but debate

We all have the right to think differently. In fact, this is part of what enriches our interpersonal relationships. Can you imagine how boring it would be to be surrounded by people who think exactly like you?

Insecure people are often afraid to express their ideas  when they are contrary to the rest. However, there is nothing that helps you to build confidence as much as defending your own points of view with arguments.

This is a very healthy exercise that you should try whenever possible. However, just remember  not to seek a violent or aggressive confrontation. Instead, practice healthy debate.

  • Expose your views intelligently and firmly, this way, you will gain respect.
  • In case you are wrong, accept the error and embrace the knowledge. Allow yourself to learn and teach.
  • Also, establish healthy discussions as they build respect and a lot of trust.
talk to people

5. To combat insecurity, try talking to yourself

Sounds like weird advice, doesn’t it? But it really is a method that  allows you to know yourself better and help your thoughts flow  faster.

So, practice with a mirror and discover that this will help you improve relationships and establish longer conversations in a short time. This is a good exercise if whenever you are talking to a stranger you feel overwhelmed.

6. Attend very busy places

Are you scared to death at the thought of going somewhere full of people? Do not even dare to enter? Well, to improve relationships it is necessary to submit to these situations.

However, the first time you do this you will likely find yourself standing in a corner and avoiding all contact, but don’t give up. To do this, there are two ways:

  • Make it a regular part of your weekly or monthly routine to attend a location on a regular basis. It can be a dance class, music class, or a gym, where you feel more comfortable and a place that improves your well-being.
  • The other is more improvised and consists of taking trips and going to places you have never visited in your life in order to meet people.

The most important thing to remember is that  it is not about seeing how others socialize, but about relating to them. That way, talk to strangers in unexpected places.

For this point it is important not to plan: just reserve a space in the diary to go out aimlessly.

7. Work on issues that make you insecure

You can work hard to improve your relationships and get it right after a lot of effort. However, if you want the results to be permanent, you must also work on the insecurities.

Start by  analyzing which memories or actions generate the problem for you. Also, work on these factors alone or with the help of an expert so that you don’t spoil the successes achieved so far.

8. Increase your knowledge

To facilitate relationships, it is good to have subjects to talk about. It’s not bad to be an expert on a single topic, but it’s much better to have a variety of knowledge.

However, this is not limited to reading books and academic research. Watching television, movies, or sports can be of great help. Having different topics of conversation is a big step towards socializing more and better.

With these tips you can improve relationships in all aspects. If you know how to conduct your daily life, you will get along better on a social, academic, family and loving level.

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