8 Beneficial Foods To Fight Ulcers

Even though each person knows which foods are good or bad, these are the most recommended for any patient with gastric ulcers.
8 beneficial foods to fight ulcers

Gastric ulcers are  a disorder that affects the inner lining of the stomach or small intestine  and can greatly worsen the quality of life of those who suffer from them.

In most cases, the cause is a bacteria. Despite this, other factors can also have a decisive influence, such as bad habits (alcohol and tobacco), some medications or stress and negative emotions.

Find out in this article which are the 8 best foods to prevent and treat gastric ulcers.

8 foods to fight gastric ulcers

1. Pineapple

fight the ulcers

Pineapple is a fruit rich in enzymes with the virtue of facilitating digestion, especially of foods rich in protein.

Furthermore, it  stands out for its anti-inflammatory properties, because of bromelain, according to this study by Mangalayatan University (India).

We can have fresh pineapple before meals or as a dessert. In addition, we can also add it to juices or homemade smoothies.

2. cabbage

Kale is a vegetable with high alkalizing power. Furthermore, it has the property of  facilitating the healing of ulcers.

We can consume it raw (leaving it macerate for about two hours in oil, vinegar and salt), cooked or in juices.

Moderate consumption is only recommended for those suffering from hypothyroidism.

3. Red pepper

fight the ulcers

Red pepper is a very aperitif and gastric invigorating food, that is, it  opens up the appetite and stimulates the secretion of gastric juices. This is stated in this study by the Central Institute for Food Technological Research (India).

We can consume raw red peppers (juices, salads, garnishes), cooked or roasted. In the latter form, it tastes delicious and goes perfectly with any dish.

4. Potato

Potatoes are an excellent antacid food. Not only because it is one of the few foods we want to consume when we suffer from acidity, but raw potato juice is also an ancient alkalizing remedy, as this research from Purdue University (United States) states.

If we want to prepare this ancient remedy, we must consume the following mixture for nine days on an empty stomach.


  • 1/2 cup of sprout-free, well-washed raw potato juice (100 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (16 g)

Wait at least half an hour before breakfast.

5. Carrot

fight the ulcers

Carrot is an alkalizing vegetable and ideal for any gastric disorder. Furthermore, if we consume it in the form of natural juice, it  has the advantage of improving the entire digestive mucosa. This is stated in this University of California study.

6. apple

The apple is one of the humblest and yet most medicinal fruits in existence.

This fruit acts as a natural digestive regulator and is ideal for disorders such as ulcers, gastritis, acidity, pain, constipation or diarrhea, as explained in this study from the University of Reading (UK).

Apple is highly recommended to  prevent and cure gastric ulcers thanks to its fiber, beta-carotene and vitamin C content.  These nutrients facilitate the recovery of the tissues of the digestive system.

7. Aloe vera

aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant that stands out mainly for its high healing power. Furthermore, it is antioxidant, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, according to this study by the College and Research Institute of India. In the case of gastric ulcers, aloe vera is effective in different ways:

  • Its bactericidal properties prevent the reproduction of the bacterium  Helicobacter pylori,  which is related to many cases of ulcers.
  • Ulcers are related to an inflammatory process of the entire digestive tract and aloe has the advantage of de-inflaming it.
  • Its content of aleomodin and aleolein makes it an  excellent repairer of the gastric mucosa.

8. Sea water

Nowadays, we can find sea water suitable for consumption in some supermarkets and natural food stores, as it has been discovered to be an excellent source of minerals and trace elements.

Other advice

To fight gastric ulcers we can also follow these advices:

  • Prepare simple food without mixing different types of food at a time.
  • Chew well and eat without haste.
  • Do not drink water with meals. Best to drink on an empty stomach, mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
  • Combat stress with natural remedies and relaxing therapies (massage, yoga, taichi, etc.).
  • Avoid fried or refined foods, as well as white sugar and stimulating and spicy substances and spices (coffee, cola, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, etc.).

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