7 Tips To Eliminate Body Fluids Naturally

To eliminate fluids from the body, we can take advantage of the properties of certain diuretic infusions that will help you urinate more and purge all those accumulated toxins that make us bloated.
7 tips to eliminate fluids from the body naturally

Are you one of those people who feel bloated on certain days? It may be the result of heat, food, or hormonal cycles, but it’s a nagging issue that we’d like to resolve quickly. For this reason, we offer some tips to  eliminate liquids naturally and without side effects. 

Find out how to achieve this with simple remedies like an infusion, a vitamin or a brushing technique.

Eliminate body fluids naturally

Food to eliminate liquids

There are foods that promote retention and others that, on the contrary, help us eliminate fluids when we feel more bloated than usual.

The first step in eliminating them is to move away from those that are not suitable. The key is to reduce salt  and all those foods that contain it in a more or less hidden way:

  • Cured cheese.
  • Sausages and smoked.
  • Canned food.
  • French fries, olives, oilseeds with salt and other appetizers.
  • Pizzas and other pre-cooked dishes.
  • Sauces.

1. Less sodium, more potassium

Table salt, which is sodium chloride, should always be out of our diet.

We can consume, in moderate amounts, sea salt or sea water,  which contain many other minerals, such as potassium, and help us to maintain balance in the body.

When we feel bloated,  we should completely avoid salt  and consume potassium-rich foods, such  as:

  • Avocado
  • Oilseeds (pistachio, hazelnut and unsalted almonds)
  • Vegetables
  • Quinoa
  • Spinach
  • Coconut
  • Banana

2. For starters… drink water

Woman drinking water to eliminate liquids

It seems like a contradiction, but drinking water helps eliminate fluids. There is only one condition:  we must drink it on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach.

If we drink it with food, or soon after, it will have the opposite effect and it will swell even more.

Start the day by drinking two glasses of water right before breakfast and have at least two more glasses in the morning and another two in the afternoon. You will notice its diuretic effects in no time.

3. Prepare a pear and dandelion smoothie

If you like vitamins, we offer two ingredients with very diuretic properties: pear and dandelion. Both  will help eliminate fluids, and also bring minerals  and take care of liver function.

Dandelion can be easily harvested in the field if you have the possibility, as it is plentiful, or it can be purchased as a dry herb.


  • 1 spoon of dandelion (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 pear

Method of preparation

  • Warm the glass of water and, when it comes to the boil, add the dandelion spoon and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • After this time, strain and store.
  • Peel the pear, remove the seeds and chop it for ease.
  • In the blender jar, add the dandelion infusion and the pear and process until you get a smooth mixture.

4. Enjoy a watermelon juice

Watermelon juice to eliminate liquids

Watermelon is an excellent fruit for eliminating liquids  thanks to its high water content, which in addition to having very few calories, deeply hydrates.

It is also a food rich in potassium and antioxidants.

One way to consume watermelon is to beat it with its seeds and drink it continuously throughout the morning.

5. Celery and onion broth

For colder days, we have the alternative of broths and soups, which are not only diuretics, but also purify the body of toxins.

For a broth to help us fight fluid retention,  we must add at least celery and onion, which are two of the most diuretic vegetables out there.

In addition, they will provide a delicious flavor and you can take it between meals and as a starter.

6. Infusion of horsetail and green tea

A simple option that can be taken both cold and hot are infusions, which also help to drink fluids if it is difficult to maintain this habit.

Horsetail allows us to eliminate liquids and also contains minerals such  as silicon, a way to increase urine without demineralizing us.

Green tea is an essential drink, as it is not only a diuretic but also a powerful antioxidant.

We can combine or alternate them, and we  recommend drinking them throughout the morning. 

7. Dry brushed

The dry brushing technique, which only needs a natural bristle brush, is a manual method that  performs lymphatic drainage and favors the elimination of liquids  almost immediately.

It can be done for 10 or 20 minutes. You’ll find that, in addition to making you want to urinate if you’re bloated, it also improves circulation and makes your skin much smoother.

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